Chapter 2

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Savannah's phone buzzed on her nightstand waking her up with a groan.

She reached out for her phone quickly finding it and swiping the call button.

"Hello" her voice was rough and tired, she could barely see the called ID.

"Agent Hemming I need you to come in" Fury said quickly and to her ears she cringed at the loud voice.

"It's Friday...It's Friday at seven's early in the morning and you woke me up" Savannah whined as Fury sighed.

Sam stirred beside Savannah turning over on his side facing away from her as she listened.

"I need you to come in, now. Your the only one I can trust with this, I'll explain when you come." Fury told her as she took a breath.

"Who is it?" Sam asked groggily as Savannah played it off.

"Just my boss, he wants me to come in. Says it's urgent." Sam said as Fury waited on the other side of the phone.

"You have half an hour to get here" Fury told me.

"It's a twenty minute drive" Savannah argued.

"Then you have about five minutes to get in the car" he fired back before hanging up.

"That's just rude" Savannah muttered to herself with a sigh.

"You going to work" Sam asked sleepily as Savannah smiled tiredly.

"I'm not a morning person, I don't think he cares" Savannah mumbled. "I have to get up" she huffed.

"The big bad wolf making you sad" Sam chuckled softly making Savannah giggle.

"Exactly" she said before kissing him quickly and getting up for the bathroom.


"Your five minutes late Agent Hemming"Fury said as she rolled her eyes walking into his office.

"What's was so important exactly" she asked as he sat down in his desk chair.

"You found me the ship that's taking off in the Indian Ocean tonight, now I need you to find me a safe place to stay" Fury told her as she sat down and opened a link.

"Tryna go into commando mode?" She asked as he raised a brow.

"Safe house or off the grid?, discrete only you and me or high level clearance can know?" She asked as he straightened stiffly in response.

"Fury I need the facts" she told him still half asleep as she sipped her coffee.

"Off the grid, discrete with only certain people" he told her sternly.

She quickly went around the city and typed in some coordinates, not liking the odds of the safe house she continued looking around the area until following a singular dirt road that hadn't been used in years.

"You know, staring at me as I work won't make this go faster" Savannah mumbled catching his eye as he looked down at the hard drive she had given him.

"Put that to any use yet?" She asked him as she looked around the gated mountain area making sure there it was secluded and vacant.

"Not yet" he told her as she zoomed in closer and grinned.

"Here, there's your new off the grid safe cave. But just saying, if you want to be completely off the grid, no phones, no computers, nothing connected to SHIELD." Savannah explained as she transferred her screen into his making the location bigger to his single eye.

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