Chapter 4 2/2

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Martinas POV- OH my god Zayn this is amazayn. Not as amazing as you *winkey face* holy fuck zayn is hot why didn't i noticce this before. Um martina what are you thinking so hard about? Uh what nothing.  Shit he noticed awell. Martina you know deep down your a really sweet and carrying girl why don't you ever show it cause i know your not this hard ass you apaer your self to others to be. What the hell you know nothing about me and don;t even act like you do i will fucking kill you got it. I  wisper yell at him. Martina calm down ok. Fuck no! This really anamulistic growl comes from me. What the heOh my god im shifting this wasent suposed to happen i have a twin he was the one who was suposed to turn not me not now he did turn but but why am  shifting? Zayn we need to go home NOW! Okay martina lets go. 

Shelbies POV- Niall James Horan,Louis willam Tomlinson and, Harry Edward Styles get yalls Shit packed we are going to leave when Mj and Zayn get back or just be ready got IT!!! Yes ma'mam captin shelbs! Martina is shifting i have a pack conection but this isn't suposed to happen justin her twin turned not her we where sure off it. Unless anther wearwolf is Mated with her she isn't suposed to shift thats why we came to england so we would be far away from the packs so no would be able to mate with her cause we know how powerful she is she doesn't have the same blood as justin they really arnt twins but we half to tell her that so she don't know that her mother is mixbread vampire&witch so she is much more powerful than us she has mostly wolf on the outside but her blood im not sure what will happen this can't happen she will be to much and dangers will come.

Justins POV- MOM!!! What!? She comes running in im swaeting bad and fill something bad is going to happen my power is i can readminds. Momma martina is in danger badley I think she is turning. That isn't poseble Justin its not poseble don't tell me its true please. Mom shelbie sent me the message  she is the closest to her something bad is bound to come to our/her futare her being the most dangrouse in the pack other packs will want her and the rules the sacred things she will become alpha we can't stop it and vampires witches humans hunters shapshifters  godz/goduses will want her this is rare we cant let anyone know as beta im saying tell no one! Okay Okay what about Liam should we tell him? He will know when the time comes once she gets here he will smell it on her. Wait smell it? The only reson she is turning is because her Mate is close witch means she will be in haet Oh and her blood. Oh okay. But yes warn Liam once she shifts she will fight for alpha her wolf will take over and she will want the controle that she knows is hers. Okay bye son. Bye mother.

Zayns POV- Martina hold on we are almost home you can shower and cool off there your burning up! What the fuck is happening im so worried about her I don't know what to do. Do I tell Louis i think i should? Zayn? Yes baby? It hurts so bad i want my momma can you call her? Sweetheart I don't have her number. Please use my phone i need to here her voice. Okay Okay So i call her mom I don't know hy i was using pet names but it seemed to calm her down hopefully Oh shes talking "momma mommma" "Yes baby martina whats wrong why are you crying?" "Let me talk to daddy i need to here his voice and im in unbaruble pain im scolding hot im riding in the car with Zayn and he seems to make it wrose i know im shifting but this isn't normal" What the fuck shifting She can't be one of them no never not her.

Martinas POV (on the phone) Momma momma! Yes baby martina whats wrong why are you crying? Let me talk to daddy i need to here his voice and im in unbarable pain im scolding hot and im riding in the car with Zayn and he seems to make it wrose I know im shifting but this isn't normal. Honey baby its Daddy whats wrong talk to me sweetheart? Daddy im shifting it hurts its not fully there yet i have atleast two days but somethings wrong im scolding hot and i feel like screaming from the pain its not right daddy fix it please.Honey we are sending the jet get shelbie and who ever knows about yall and come home got it baby don't take more than an hour ok? okay daddy i love you.I love you to sweety.       We get to the dorm and and right when im in the bulding shelbie is right by my side Mj are you ok we need to hurry and get to the plain. I know shelbie but tell me does Louis,and niall Know yes i told the they are coming. harry chimes in Martina i felt it are you okay justin called me. He called you is he okay is he feelling this too he he hurting. He didn't answer my question so i qrowled it seemed to scair him and he quiverd so did shelbie The only time that happens is when alpha is pisst off and warning you to back the hell off or if he/she is taking controle WAIT!! Shelbie did you feel fear when i did that? Yes ma'mam i did please don't hurt me.She was serousley about to wet her pants she was os scaired. Shelbie im not going to hurt you U know me i would never hurt the ones i love or lay a hand on you. Yeah we know but shelbie and I are kinda worried so pleae don't growl anymore.Okay I wont hazza. Now lets get to Texas and figure this shit out!! shelbie yells.                                            

Hey guys thats is for today i hope yall like it but i just hope yall like it i wasent planning on putting wearwolf and mythical crichers but i was getting bored and i was having writes block so yeh hope you like it Fan me Vote Comment do what you wish my pretty littke kittens Oh and shout out to SHELBIED Love you had fun beating the beast when watching your little brother beat the shit outta you HAHA proble shoudnt of said that im in for and ass beaten now Welll Byeee me unicorns!!!!!!!

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