Chapter 8

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From the last chapter zayns thoughts

Zayn POV~What the hell!? Why would Martina bring me here then go fuck harry I mean I don't want to get in the.middle of whatever they have even so harry is fucking gay and Louis mate why the hell is he with Martina she is my mate I just don't know how to tell her.

So right now I don't have a damn car so I'm stuck here and its to fucking far to walk!! So I feel asleep only to be woken up by there yelling and screaming.

fuck this I'm going to call Louis and make him claim harry because she is mine and Harold is gay fucking GAY!!

Wait SHELBIE!!!! So I'm calling Shelbie.

Shelbie POV~ What the fu-oh its my phone who would be calling me at this time of day!? (Just so everyone knows its 12 in the afternoon) oh I should probley answer it haha "Hello?" Oh hey Shelbie hi how are you? "Zaynie you do know Niall is mad cuz I was making food" OH SORRY NIALLER!!!!!! "He can't here you dumbass"

Oh right sorry. "OK what the hell do you need?" Well I was wondering what the fuck is up with harry and Martina? "Well I think there mates." How?Martina is MY mate!!! "What your mate how that's imposable!!!!!! I don't know I just had the dream about three days ago and I promise I know her wolf when I see it. "Gotta go bye Zayn I will call you when I figure this out bye luv you!!!!" And after thar I hung up to go find robin Harry's step dad and my brother and Justin and well practully the pack!!

Louis POV~ They fucking mated!! I am ob a plan on my way back to London this is going to end badly but its Harry's own damn falt he knows we are mates!

Once I land I dont even hesatat to go into wolf form I run all the way to harry apartment and once I'm there I can smell HER!!!

Zayn can here me and I can tell he shifted to just to be safe not to stop me but to protect himself and HER.

I run straight to Harry's room and they completely stop cuddling which I can tell once I'm in the room I can smell Harold get exited just from me being in the room.HELL YES!!! With he arousal sent I go crazy I'm back in human form and on top of him in seconds. Zayn walks in the room and takes. M with him guessing far.

Martina's POV~Whooo Zayn lets go fucking cat hunting or trap a black guy in a wall or hit a white guy with a binder or yell at James yay!!! Martina what the fuck are you saying you drunk whore? I don't fucking know zaynie poo HAHA!! Well alrighty then time to go back home.

Zayn POV~ We get home and everybody is there but Louis and harry whhoo fuck yeah!! But Shelbie and Niall are here yay!!

SHELBIE!!! ZAYN!! floofey kittens VA JAY JAYS!!! Martina no that is wrong. But Shelbie I want a girl KAT! Well your not getting one. That is when Martina turns into her wolf and Shelbie tuns into hers and they are cecaling eaxhother o what a dream.

People I'm sorry for how bad this chapter is buy I just can't think of anything so now its just poo but I will be coming up with better stuffing soon and SCD you know who you are! I sowey about tour flu :( anywho I'm a sleepy thang so night night


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