Chapter 7

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AUTHORS NOTE Still on my damnded phone so it still gonna look funny I won't have the bold shit on it HAHA bold shit anywho story time!!!!!!!!!@

Martina's POV~ "Oh my god Zayn please stop raping!!!!!!" But I can't its just flowing out like a freaking river of rap! "Shut the hell up Zayn you sound re re!!" You sound like a re re for saying re re! "Do NOT!" DO TO! "DO NOT!" DO TO "DO NOT!" *Both of you!!!*

"But Hazzabear he won't stop raping" °pouty face° *I know babe but fighting like lil baby's ain't gonna help anything.*

•Did Harold just say ain't!?• "I think so...?" Whatever ill just txt shelbs I miss that bitch soooo bad.


~SUPERMAN~ Zayn Jawwad Malik won't stop raping its funny!!!!! - PINKPANTHER


What the fuck!!!=\ Why!?!?!


Dunno he said "its just flowing out like a rived of rap!" But I started yelling and Harold made me stop so I texted you:)


Well I'll be damnded. But hey Louis is like dieing he misses harry so much thar was his mate right......???


I just don't know anymore about thar Louis texted me the other day after we arived and he said he was hart broken but wanted what's best for haz so I said whatever you want me to do I think that was the right thing what about you??


I dunno M the pack really needs you°puppie dog eyes° we all need you you are a leader its in your blood but do whatever you want.......=|


Who is leading?


pssssshhhhh me duhhhhhh! °the are you stupid look°


Well Im not fighting you I know I will loose;)


HAHAHA damn straight well I HTC bye love you see you soon;)


Love you two bye

Shelbie's POV~ I hope she comes home soon the pack needs her and Louis needs Harry but that can't happen he is with Martina. Awell anywho I'm sleepy nighty night.!

Harry's POV~ I miss Louis a bit but when I'm with Martina most of it goes awayp but then Zayn comes in and ruins it. He has a thing for Martina I can tell but I won't allow it she is my mate MY mate not his!!!!Me and M have not mated yet bit tonight is when I plan on it happening I am taking her wherever she wants to go. Oh here she comes now.

3rd person

Martina walked into Harry's Flat and Harry said "hello sweetheart" *hey hazzabear* 'VAS HAPPNIN' "Um baby can I talk to you for a second...? *Yuppies* they walk to Harry's room and Martina walks over and sits on his bed and he shuts and locks the door. *Uh..harry I don't think you need to lock the door* "Oh but I do." *What the hell haz!*

He stands there for awhile looking kinda pisst but Finley bursts out yelling this.


Why haz do you not belive that I love you?

Well I don't know your always with HIM!

So why does that matter we are friends!

Because you my mate MY mate not his!

Martina finley just gets up and walks over to him and straight up starts kissing him because he is a dominate male she was a alpha or was powerful enough to be one

Baby your emasculating me.

Shut up and mate with me you stupid cunt1!

And you know things happen not goin into detail.

Martina POV-

Yay we are mate o wake up and role over and harry isn't awake yet lets wake him up then Martina style. I crawl ontop of him and straddle his pelvis area and start kinda like grind I guess I think that is just for gay dudes I dunno uh but the he wakes up and put is you know things in my you know what and make me ride him.But I can't help but feel gulity cuz Louis.

Heeyyy soory my phone is not working write so please don't hate me for the missspeld stuff so ubyee

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