More Trouble (Part: 21)

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"Jupiter is not in you anymore," I said.

"Wait, what?!" he said, confused.

"But I can still feel him and his magic," said Brandon, confused.

"Well, you feel that because you still have a connection with Jupiter, but the problem is that he isn't with you anymore," I said, walking back and forth.

"Wait, so does that mean he's no longer in me??" asked Brandon, nervous.

"He is still in you but technically his soul is the only one that is in your body since you're both connected with your soul," I said, moving towards Brandon, touching his chest, and taking out the lacrima in him.

"What?! How did you do that?!" he asked, confused.

"This isn't the real lacrima because if it was, then you would be dead by now and we wouldn't want that now, would we?" I asked, sarcastically.

"True but why does it look like my lacrima?" Brandon asked, still confused.

"Well, this is a copy, not the real lacrima since I needed to show you something," I said, separating the lacrima into smaller pieces so he could see what is inside the lacrima.

"I'm guessing you didn't know this is how a lacrima looked on the inside?" I asked.

"No. I don't think anyone knew this is how lacrima's looked like inside" Brandon said, shocked.

"But how did you know how to do this??" he asked.

"I learned how to do this with my copy magic while I was gone. Not only that but this helps when learning more about lacrima's and how they are able to be put in a person and how its structure is made" I said, putting the pieces back together and making the lacrima disappear.

"You sure are strong. I can see why we put you in SS-Class" he said, smiling.

"You've been hurting, haven't you?" I asked with a sad yet curious tone.

"How did you-," I stopped him before he could finish, "I can feel the emotions in the air and yours are not happy emotions, they are all negative," I said.

"You haven't gone outside of the guildhall, have you?" I asked, concerned.

"No. I don't want to hurt anyone in the guild..." he said, with a sad tone.

"Brandon, how about this," I said, taking out a string and using my magic to do a necklace with magic.

"Here you go," I said while handing him the necklace.

"What is this for?" he asked, confused.

"Well, it's so you can go outside without a problem. You may still feel like the air is dangerous to you, but it is not going to be dangerous anymore since something else will be taking both the electricity and dangerous air. Do not worry about it though. It won't be too much of a problem" I said, smiling after I took a breath.

"Thanks. I don't think anyone here would have done something like this" he said, putting the necklace around his neck.

"Do you think it'll work?" he asked.

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