A Portal (Part: 25)

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"How about we talk later, and I can answer any questions you want, what does that sound?" I asked, turning towards him, and seeing him smile.

"That would sound nice," he said.

"But where do we meet?" he asked.

"We could meet here every night if it's ok with you," I said

*He nodded and when he looked towards me, his eyes looked the same or similar to "our" Ritchie*

"Well, I'll be meeting you here today then," I said, walking to the main area.

"Ok! Cya," he said, waving his hand as he disappeared.

*In the main area with the others*

"So, who was it?" asked David, giving me an angry glance.

"It was nothing. I accidentally activated my magic and made an electrical barrier around this place, but I fixed it" I said, smiling while walking over to the table.

"Then what took you so long?" asked Lukas.

"Well, there was an animal close to the safe so I thought it could actually be the one who made the electrical barrier, but it wasn't," I said, sitting down.

"Well, since that was a waste of time, I'll be going to the garden," said David, getting up and leaving.

"I also have to go. Need to check on Blake and Plant to see if they're ok" said Lukas, standing up and leaving.

"Well, bye Lukas. Say 'hi' to Plant for me" I said, waving 'goodbye.'

"I sure will," said Lukas.

*Lukas and David left which left me and Brandon alone*

"Mel, I'll be going to my office. I haven't gone there for a while so there might be a lot of paperwork" said Brandon, standing up and ready to start walking.

"Ok, I'll see you later then?" I asked, seeing if he would respond with a 'yes' or a 'no.'

"Yes. We'll see each other later" he said, walking towards the stairs.

"I guess I'm now on my own," I said, whispering to myself with a sad tone.

{The next few weeks, me and 'Ritchie' would meet up every night in 'The Hall of Heroes' since that's the only place he knows and can go easily without being caught. Of course, the others had suspicions about me talking to someone I was not supposed to. Plant knew who it was because sometimes 'Ritchie' and I would bump into each other while we were in the city. Plant once thought he was 'our' Ritchie but then I explained it was not. Well, that kept on repeating until one day, an incident happened when me and 'Ritchie' met up... It was something unbearable and unbelievable}

*The night of the 'incident'*

"Hey, Ritchie," I said, walking towards him.

"Oh, hey Mel," he said, looking at me and then at the statue again.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"I feel like there's something wrong with the statue," Ritchie said.

"What do you mean?" I asked while turning towards the statue and seeing a portal appear.

"What the heck?!" I said, surprised.

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