the early morning sun still danced across the building and sky. I walked the shores of beach, taking in the scents of the salty air, my breakfast long eaten. once in the city again, I walked and walked. through alleys, crossing roads, through crowds.

I soon walked into an alley that...didn't smell right. soon a villain burst from the shadows and tried to nab me. I punched it in the gut and ran.

I ran into the street as he followed. "now you're gonna get it, little girl" he mocked and roared. "oh bet" I challenged. he lunged at me and I leap frogged over his head. "c'mon! is that all you got" I taunted.

his quirk fired at me as I weaved through. "you're really pissing me off kid!" he shouted angrily, still firing at me. "but like, when did I ask" I sarcastically howled out. as I weaved and dodged through attack while a crowd gathered to watch, I tread closer each blast and miss. once close enough, I jump up high and knocked the guy in the face, knocking him out.

soon, media and heroes gathered 'round. that was my que to dip. peace out. I walked into an alley and wandered along as usual.

this is how my days went for 3 days. get up, go out and wander around, maybe steal a few wallets, watch the sunset, make sure my sister was safe, and then go back to the place I called home a.k.a the abandoned bread factory.

y'know how I said 3 days? well let's get into that.

I had just finished wandering for the day and I was walking into the factory. the lights were off until... flick! one light in the center of the room flicked on, creating a spotlight onto the one area. a white mouse bear thing stepped into the light. "hello there" it spoke. I stayed silent. I steadied myself and observed my surroundings, adapting the senses of a wolf or canine in general. I readied myself, sensing more than just that mouse thing. "you're tense. you sense my colleagues?" it said. I growled. "I'll take that as a yes. no worries though. we are not here to hurt you. we have a... proposition" he said, sipping from the teacup I had yet to notice.

the lights flickered on revealing more.

oh shit its the shaggy haired dude from a few nights ago.

I looked to the black haired man whom I had lied to. "quirk problems eh" he smirked.

"well what do you want? i've got time to waste, but i'd rather not waste it leisurely talking to some Cheshires" I snapped. cheshires are like the richly in the words of myself. "we saw the little stunt you pulled 3 days ago. it was... impressive... to say the least" he said. "yeah! they way you weave and dodged that villains attacks! then you knocked him out in one blow" a female in revealing clothing exclaimed.

"we want you to attend UA highshool" the mouse said finally. I couldn't help but laugh.

"pfft. wait you're serious" I said trying to calm myself. "in return, we'll keep your illegal habits a secret" the mouse explained. "oh so this is blackmail. wow" I said. "no" I said before jumping to the second story and jumping through the window.

I spread my wings and flapped until they mysteriously disappeared. I fell and rolled down a hill until I hit a tree. I groaned in pain upon impact. that didn't stop me as I jumped from tree to tree, the rugged ravenette doing the same. fuck this shit im out. I dipped behind a tree an and use my chameleon adaptations to blend in, my black clothes already blending into the night.

once I was sure they had lost me, I kept running. sadly the assumption that they had lost me was wrong, but I had a good lead on them.

I ran for what felt like forever until I came up upon a park.

the park... memories flooded me, the rustic chains faded into their used-to-be untouched silver. the night faded to the sunny day. the empty turned to a bunch of children running around. the silence turned to the sound of laughter and celebration. this park was the exact park my sister had her 4th birthday. I found a golden feather laying covered in mulch. I picked it up and held it close. I walked over to the tree that was right beside the play ground and hopped into it.

3rd person pov

the heroes lost the girl, but continue to follow the direction she had gone. the came upon a park in the silence and darkness. they started to yell at each other.

"wait! hush! do you hear that" aizawa said. the listened to the sound of almost silent sobbing.

aizawa walked over to tree and sat under it. "listen, we don't want to hurt you. we just don't want skills like yours to go to waste or fall into the wrong hands" he spoke softly.

"I had a sister...." the girl started quietly as her sobs died. "really" aizawa replied. "mhm. I also had 2 brothers. a twin and an older brother. this is where my sister had her 4th birthday and where she got her quirk" y/n continued. "so you remembered that day" aizawa concluded. "yeah" she said. "what happened to them. your family" he asked. "a villain" she croaked. "I read over your file a bit. back around when you were nine, a villain killed your mom and then you killed him" he said. "yeah. I don't remember much of what happened. the animalistic side of my quirk had taken over" she explained.

"so you've been alone since then? no one took care of you?" mic walked up. "I took care of myself. I didn't need anyone then and I sure as hell don't need anyone now" the teenager snapped.

"it'll give you a chance to see your sister face-to-face again" aizawa spoke. the girl went silent. "i'm sure you'd do anything for that chance. I'm sure she'd love to see her older sister again. maybe while you're at it, you can find your brothers. reunite your siblings. be a family again. i'm sure your twin is lonely with out you" aizawa continued. "it'll never be the same. not after what happened" y/n said just above a whisper.

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