me and shinso sat at the lunch table together and talked. soon i saw Jiro standing in the middle of the lunch room, not sure as to where to go.

i stood up, walked over to her, grabbed her wrist and tugged her over to where me and shinso sat. she sat down next to me. "Jiro, shinso. Shinso, Jiro" i say quickly. "thank you y/n. i'm sorry to bother-" i stop Jiro's sentence by placing my hands on her cheeks and forcing her to look at me. "you aren't bothering me by being who you are" i said sternly.

we talked and I got to know Jiro better. we like the same type of music. you know: MCR, P!ATD, NF, Cavetown. the good ones, yes (I legit love these. comment your music preference)

turns out shinso also like the same music. we were going to get along just fine.

suddenly an alarm sounded. all the students rushed out as did me Jiro and shinso. we ended up in hallway packed with students. i caught a glimpse outside seeing reporters. i activated my quirk and gave myself the adaptations of a howler monkey. i climbed a pillar and yelled over the crowd. "ya'll seriously acting like uncivilized animals over the press. calm your tits. god damn. is this how UA students act in crisis 'cause it's kind of pathetic" i yelled. everyone looked at me then out the window and calmed down immediately. i climbed down to shinso. "'calm your tits" seriously" he face palmed. i started giggling. "oh come on. it was funny" i laughed. "i mean it was, but seriously" he stifled laughs. we both started laughing and Jiro walked up. "wow l/n "calm your tits" that's just..." she started slow clapping. "beautiful" she said dramatically and then started snickering along with us.

when me and Jiro got back to class, we saw midoriya standing at the podium. he said he wanted iida to be class rep because he also helped calm people down. "oh iida that was you. cool" i said. "i want l/n to be vice rep. she handled it so coolly. that's what a vice would do" i laughed at momo's comment. "bruh. i told people to calm their tits. are you sure you want me as vice rep?" i said. "yes. you made jokes under pressure and most wouldn't be able to that" she reasoned. "but it'd give you such good character development. oh well. i just want you to know, go with your gut. mkay?" i advised. "alright, thank you" she said. "aight now im vice rep so um... first order of business. uh, emo rights" i say jokingly. i seethed a laugh through my nose and wheezed. "im kidding. but still emo rights ( true fact abt author-chan: im pan-shrek-sual. i support BLM and trans and gay rights) i went and sat down at my desk. then the day continued as usual.

when the school day ended, i waited at the gates for denki. as i was waiting, i see shinso walking up. "oh hey shin" i said bubbly. "hey weirdo" "hair for brains" "animal off-brand" "purpler than a purple nirple" he stared at me with a confused glare. "i win" "yeah" he was still confused. "so who ya waiting for" he asked. "Pikachu boy" i said. "why him" he inquired. "he owes me. i helped him with homework" shinso made 'oh' noise and denki had finally walked up. "ready to go" i asked him. "yup" he said happily. "well imma dip. cya later" shinso said. "bye shin" i waved to him as he walked off.

as me and denki walked along to the café, i felt his hand entangle into mine. i look to him to see him red faced and trying to hide it. i take his arm and put it around my shoulder and hold his hand with my other. (bc we love danki. yes danki. danker than dank memes)

once we arrived, we went back to the normal way of holding hands. we made our way to the counter and i decided to order f/s (fav sweet) and f/d. me and denki sat at a table, across from each other. we talked about our interests and denki showed me memes. ah yes memes. delicious memes. we both got our drinks and food and ate.

denki and I had a great time, but all good things must come to an end. around 6 o'clock was when me and denki parted ways. we stood outside the café, saying our good byes. "hey I could walk you home, y'know. i'm sure my mum wont mind" he offered. "nah. I'd rather not waste any more of your time. bye kam" I said waving and turning. "y-yeah bye" he said.

I got home and sunk against the door of my apartment. I sighed aloud as my phone jingled, indicating there was a message.

sleepy boi| hey

me| yes

sleepy boi| you doing good?


sleepy boi| just checking on ya

sleepy boi| goodnight

me| goodnight

switch chat

da fAM

me| good evening, guardians

momnight| shouldn't you be in bed

me| nah fam

dadzawa| go to sleep brat

me| ouch words hurt ya know

dadzawa| exactly as they should

me| who put you on ice

that dude| young Todoroki, perhaps

me| good one mr might

that dude| 😎

screaming buddy| hey hey hey l/n


screaming buddy| WASSSSAAAAAAP

me| the sky honestly

momnight| lmao good one kiddo

dadzawa| you guys are immature

me| I have an excuse

dadzawa| no you dont you're a teenager


dadzawa| yes and you should act your age

me| so you want me to drink and do drugs and party 24/7

dadzawa| I didn't say that

me| that's what the average teen does

dadzawa| be a smart one

me| so get away with murder


me| be a whore, got it

dadzawa| NO

screaming buddy| NO


that dude| NO

uncle boulder| NO

uncleplasm| NO

Katniss E. wit a gun| NO

astro-bro| NO

mouse dude| l/n I advise against all of those as do my employees

reverse vampire| I honestly don't care just another one of aizawa's brat gone

me| alright I wont. goodnight

log out

I giggled as I went to my bedroom and collapsed on my bed.

Kiss (BNHA X reader)Where stories live. Discover now