as me and the others were walking to class, mic stopped me in the hall. the boys went ahead as I had told them to.

weirdly, mic was talking about random things. why? he told me about his new glasses and then his jacket then things hes done with his quirk.

"um mic i've got to go. i've got class so...-" "wait! uh... do want to eat in the teachers lounge today" um random. he didn't have to ask. I would've done so anyways.

he then went on rambling about lunch. it had already been 5 minutes past the bell. aizawa was sure to kill me. I started to walk away until mic grabbed my shoulder.

he proceeds to rant for 10 minutes and I leave when he's not looking by turning into a lizard and scurrying away.

I get to the classroom and open the door.

"so you've decided to join us, eh l/n" aizawa said.

"um.. mic stopped me in the hallw-" "so you were loitering the hall to waste your class time and now your classmates time" he concluded.

"no, no. you're not listening. mic was rambling to me about lunc-" "so the lunch that is more than a few hours away is more important than this class" he asked "no. mic-" "detention" he said simply. "but it wasn't my faul-" "sit down" he interrupted again.

claws grew from my nails and my ears turned wolf like, as well as a tail sprouting from my lower back and fangs from my mouth. "IT WASN'T MY FAULT" my claws dug into palms as my fists clenched tightly.

aizawa tried activating his quirk, but mine in the moment was over powered. "L/N SIT DOWN" aizawa yelled. "UGH! MEN ARE SO IGNORANTLY STUPID!" my eyes turned crimson. my own blood dripped from my hands. "L/N, IF YOU DON'T SIT DOWN, I'LL GIVE A WEEK OF-" the door slammed as I stormed out, snarling.

I went to the teachers lounge. "woah, l/n are you-" "ecto, I need to blow off some steam" I interrupt mic, the very person who got me into trouble. "hey, l/n! are you-" "fuck you" I interrupted the cheery man, catching everyone off guard. everyone gasped and ectoplasm sighed.

me and ectoplasm go into an empty gym after I change into a gym uniform. he created copies of himself before saying, "go crazy, kid" in which I do.

I switch animals quickly, slashing, clawing, biting, and even burning the copies.






this goes on for thirty or so minutes till im too tired to go on. I crouched over, catching my breath. the rapid shifting had caused spasms in my right arm, causing it to shake uncontrollably.

"damn..." I hear. I look over to see all of 1-A staring at me.

I fall to the ground on my back, sore and tired. I breathe heavily as the approach. "wow... that was..." denki started. "...intense" sero finished the statement.

I had scratches and bruises from the clones fighting back. "how long... were you watching" I breathe out. "like 20 minutes. how long have you been in here?" sero asked. "30..." I said, exhausted.

"she's powerful... really powerful. she just needs to learn self control, which she has a good 3 out five in, but there's room for improvement" ectoplasm evaluated. aizawa acknowledged ectoplasm's comment.

bakugou tossed a water bottle on me. "you don't have a water bottle in here so I assume you're damn thirsty after that little stunt" he grumbled.

I sat up. "thanks" I smiled. he walked away silently. momo ran over to me. "oh dear, you're all scratched up! let me help you" she said in concern. she helped me up and sat me on a bench. she grabbed a first aid kit and started to bandage me up.

she got to my hands and stared in shock, seeing the nail markings I had left. "did you...?" she started as I nodded.

"aizawa shouldn't have said what he said. you were only trying to explain yourself" momo sympathized. after she finished bandaging me, I hugged her.

"thank you" I said. "anytime, dear" she smiled. she then goes to train with everyone else. aizawa comes and sits beside me and I get up and walk away with a annoyed sigh. I get outside and continue walking.

"l/n wait... please" I hear aizawa say. "don't you have students to watch, shota? i'm sure you wouldn't want to waste your precious time on a misfit" I said venomously.

"no, look i'm sorry... and what you're saying... i'd spend a million years with you. you aren't a misfit. you just weren't given a chance. I value the time I get with y- I mean teaching you. a-as your teacher I evaluate your habits and see that you aren't what people say you are and I... would like to watch you grow as a hero a-and I spend a million years perfecting you- er helping you become the hero I know you are" he said nervously.

I blinked.

then blinked again.

"aizawa... why're you nervous?" I asked.

"i'm not" he stated.

I turned around and started walking again. aizawa turned and went back to his students. I found a sakura tree. I climbed to it's highest branch that could support me. once up there, I saw a peculiar mop of indigo hair.

"hello" I addressed softly. I hear a small squeak. "u-um what are you doing up here" a boyish voice asked shakily. I climb over to see and elvish looking boy who was anxiously rubbing his hands.

"hey no need to be nervous. i'm no threat. hmm.... what's you're favorite animal" I asked sweetly.

"u-um I... I really like butterflies..." he mumbled. I made butterflies flutter around and some would land in his hair.

he smiled. "h-how did you do that" he asked. "my quirk" I said simply, admiring the blues and purples and oranges that flittered around us.

amajiki pov.

whoever she is... she's pretty. oh, mysterious girl, "what's your name" my thoughts slipped onto my tongue before I could stop them. "y/n l/n" she answered. "I-i'm tamaki amajiki" I said.

Kiss (BNHA X reader)Where stories live. Discover now