y'know what? im time skipping to stain because i can't meme right now.


as me and mirko were doing night patrol i got a text with midoriya's location. i ran there and saw todoroki and midoriya looking quite pensive and iida on the ground. 

"hey are you guys alr-" "y/n look out!" midoriya said before i felt this agonizing pain in my abdomen. 

i turn around. i saw a black haired man who i had known as the hero killer: stain. 

"w-wha..." i slurred before i fell to the ground. "Y/N!!" the three boys yelled.

i scoot myself against the wall and watch the fight ensue. i breathed heavily as all my limbs felt like blocks of cement.

i blacked out for a second. when i woke up, todoroki was shaking me slightly. 

"y-y/n, you have to keep your eyes open just a little longer. th-there are ambulances coming" he said hurriedly, tears in his eyes. "todo... i..." i mumbled. "shh, shh. it's gonna be okay" he said. 

tears left my eyes. i noticed mirko after she let out a loud, strained sob. 

loud sirens screeched out and blue and red lights flashed around us. i was dazed, not really knowing what was happening. i held todoroki's hand before i was whisked away by EMT's. 

i then blacked out again...

˜"*°•.˜"*°• 3rd person pov •°*"˜.•°*"˜

todoroki ran his fingers through his dual colored locks as his panic set in. he sat on his hospital bed as midoriya rubbed his shoulder. they sat in silence, awaiting news of y/n's condition. 

a doctor lets himself into the room and todoroki jumps to his feet. 

"how is she!?" he asked. "woah, woah. slow down. we'll talk about your friend in a second. i understand your worry, but we will get to that all in good time..." the doctor went on to explain his synopsis on the 3 boys' injuries. 

as the doctor was explaining their prescribed painkillers, todoroki silenced him. "listen, i don't have time to talk about that. i want to know if y/n is okay" he demanded. 

"...she's undergoing surgery for the internal damage...she... might not-" "NO! SHUT UP, SHUT UP! I DON'T WANT TO HEAR!" shoto sobbed out. 

"i'll leave you boys to rest..." the doctor left the room. shoto collapsed on his bed, his cries racking his body. 

"first touya... now the love of my life" he thought to himself. 

midoriya sat in the middle of his own bed, looking down at his torn up arms. he couldn't cry, he couldn't even speak. he was still trying to comprehend that the light of his life was being ripped away. his spark, his glow... it was dimming out. 

iida leaned against the wall before sliding his back down against it. he leaned his head back. 

"it's all my fault... if only i was faster.... or stronger... or better" iida thought. 

that night... no one slept. they sat silently, out of tears to shed. the next morning, their mentors  along with the chief of police came in. 

as they were about to reprimand the 3, they saw their state. "boys, did you get any sleep" the chief of police asked. 

"i don't know, what do you think? the literal light of our lives might be dead right now, so answer me this. do you think we decided "oh yeah, we're just gonna sleep off all our issues when y/n is dying", hm?" todoroki asked sarcastically. 

"todoroki-kun we're all worried about l/n, but-" "SEE!? you can't even bring yourself to say her first name!" shoto looked at the greenette whom he had interrupted. 

"look all we're here to do is say that endeavor and y/n are getting credit for taking down stain because what you did was reckless and stupid. using your quirk without permission is illegal. if endeavor and y/n, who always had full permission from her mentor to use her quirk, take full credit for this save then you and your mentors will not be punished." the dog man said. 

just then a doctor entered the room. todoroki looked toward the doctor with a hopeful look in his eyes. 

"i... im so sorry... she isn't awake yet. we did our best to fix internal damage, but... we don't know if she'll wake up" doctor said as he watched todoroki's face pale up. 

he shook his head and sat back down. his eyes were wide with shock. the small, last hope he had, that ember that she'd be fine, had died. as of now, he was scared to lose her. 

that next week went on to be distracting and painful for the youngest todoroki, as well as y/n's  other peers and acquaintances. 

her mentor felt like a failure. her friends felt they weren't enough. 

tokoyami especially, as he felt that if only he was there, she might be fine.

 Mirko especially blamed herself for not being able to protect her. she was supposed to be a top 10 hero so why hadn't she acted like one? why hadn't she watched her more closely? 

aizawa blamed himself for not being a better teacher. if he had done something to help or to teach her, maybe she'd have reacted in time to save herself. he would say she was... special to him. mic would too. both men knew.... they knew what they'd do to try and save her. 

hawks and tokoyami were in the same boat. if only he were there. he's supposedly the fastest hero in japan, right? so why... why didn't he decide to check on her even if he thought she was safe? 

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