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i hadn't seen her since i joined UA. i didn't think she knew i still existed. 

she looked up at me with teary eyes. 

"y/n" emiko croaked. tears brimmed my eyes as i looked down at her. i sob left the back of my throat. "e-em" i said with a dried up throat. 

"n/n... i thought you.. i-i thought" emiko said. i kneeled down to her level and wrapped my arms around her. i cried over her shoulder, eyes wide with shock. 

"no, no, no emi. i'd never leave you behind. i love you so much, my little dove. it's okay, i'm here. big sis is here now" i cried. she sobbed out and shakily wrapped her arms around my neck. 

"are you...?" her adoptive parents stood behind her, looking at me. i stood up with emiko in my arms. "yeah, i'm y/n, her older sister" i smiled at them and used a free hand to wipe my tears.

"it's so good to meet the person our little girl looks up to so much" they said happily. i internally cringed. 

she wasn't their little girl. she didn't belong to them. i didn't mean to objectify her, but emiko is my little sister. she doesn't belong to some random couple. she belongs with her own kin.

"these are my adoptive guardians, john and rebecca" she said intuitively. 

john and rebecca didn't take so kindly to her calling them by their first names. in fact, i could see a hint of anger in john's eyes. i protectively hugged my sister closer to me. emiko hugged back. 

"hey dove, do you wanna go to the agency with me?" i asked sweetly whilst death glaring at john and rebecca, satisfied seeing them cower at the look. 

"um, who wouldn't accept that!?" she said excitedly. i giggled. "wait wait wait. baby carrots, you have a little sister!?" mirko shouted. emiko gasped. "i knew it! you are a revolving door!" emiko stated. 

"what?" i said confusedly. she went on to explain straight swung one way, gay swung the other way, bisexual swung both ways, pansexual was a revolving door, demisexual was a locked door, but someone had the key, and asexual was actually a wall. i laughed at her comparison from sexuality and doors. she wasn't wrong though.

"how do you know so much about that" i asked. "my quirk makes me remember everything i hear, see, smell, touch, and taste. i remember hearing that somewhere" she shrugged. "oh how i wish i had that ability. my grades would be through the roof" i cried. 

"sis, no offence, but i don't think anything could save your grades" my sister said nonchalantly. "ow. okay. we should get going. we have to meet dumpster fir- i mean endeavor" i said. emiko giggled. 

"um what the hell do you think you're doing!?" john yelled. "woah! language sir!" i said, handing emiko to mirko, sensing that john would try something.

"john, please not now. i haven't seen my sister in a long time so if you please, let us be" emiko said. "shut up brat" john growled. i chuckled venomously. 

"care to repeat that... jonathon" i said darkly. john is usually short for jonathon. "how do you know my name, witch" he snarled at me. 

to be honest, i literally just guessed that. "listen here you fat oaf. no one calls my little sister a brat. i'm suspecting child neglect and i don't like that. you've shown signs of aggression and anger issues. until further notice, MY sister is going with me. i will ask her about any abuse in the household and you will not be present in case of tampering with the victim" i stated professionally. 

"i don't think so! she is MINE! MY daughter, YOU HOBO!" he yelled. "really? then why doesn't she call you dad?" i asked with a smirk. "that brat doesn't know what's coming for her! i've told her countless times to call me dad, but just like you and your whole freakshow of a family, she's stubborn and ignorant" he barked. 

"tell me jonathon... have you ever hit my sister?" i raise a brow. i looked back at emiko she was shaking her as to tell me not to edge him on. she held a wide-eyed and terrified expression. 

"what!? no!" he said quickly. "are you going to keep lying to me?" i raised a brow. he didn't answer. i walked over to emiko and mirko and roll up one of emiko's sleeves,

she had band-aids covering her arms as she looked away in shame. 

"em... dove look at me... why didn't you tell me?" i asked calmly. "b-because i didn't want h-him to get mad... and i didn't want to ruin my first time seeing you in forever" emiko said sadly. 

it hurt my heart to see her snarky yet happy demeanor fade to be replace with a sad and scared one. i always thought she was safe and happy. i thought she was fine with them... but i was so wrong. 

"it's oka-" I started to say before i felt something pierce my shoulder. 

"OW SON OF BITCH!! mirko, get emi out of here!!" i order, turning toward john. apparently his quirk had something to do with makin knives from his skin, as i saw blades protruding from his arms and torso. 

"but what about-" "dont worry about me! just get some police over here, quick!" i yell. 

she hops off and i jump into action. i wrap webs around john, but the blades in his skin cut them. 

i strengthen the webs to be stronger than his his blades and they cut his skin, not deep enough to cause fatality though. 

then the world turns dark. i see...

my mom with a stab wound. 

this must be rebecca's quirk. 

my mom looked angered. i didn't want to say anything, knowing it was a trap, but it was my mom. 

"mama? why are you angry?" i accidently slipped.

"it's your fault... IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!" she yelled. i tried to ignore it, but i couldn't bring myself to. "i-i..." i started. "you're the reason why i died! YOU'RE THE REASON YOUR OWN SIBLINGS HATE YOU!!" she yelled again. 

then kenichi appeared. "kenichi...?" i asked. "tch, typical y/n. always screwing up my life. i thought i had gotten rid of you for good. turns out you just love ruining everyone's lives" kenichi- no it isn't him. it cant be. 

"you're worthless" fake kenichi said. 

 i believed it too...

Kiss (BNHA X reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin