the league was silent. "heh kinda pathetic if you ask me" shigaraki spoke up. he didn't know why he said that. the beautiful girl had actually kind of grown on him.  it hurt to even speak about her like that. she reminds him of home, of  love he once knew, of love and the home he destroyed. he did it again. 

"y... yeah, heh" dabi agreed. not that he wanted to. he believed that the captivating woman was actually really strong. he loved her. she was his medicine, his life. without her, he couldn't feel. if he could, it would just be pain without her. he needed her. her smile, her laugh, her bright eyes, her warm nature, her life, her. she was the light that washed away his darkness. more simply, if he was in the dark, no one had tried to find him, only because they didnt have the determination nor light to find him, but she did. she found him, she became his light.

spinner was still thinking. he wanted to agree in a fake way much like they had, but at the same time, his mind betrayed him and he couldn't even speak. he looked up to stain. stain almost killed his only love. the only person who made him feel normal, even though he was a literal lizard. he felt like himself around her. he felt as though all of his self doubt and self consciousness disappeared. she washed away his guilt.  

"definitely... it's... good that she... um was hurt... she didn't even try... heheh" toga said blandly. she knew they had plans to kidnap and hurt her, but she didn't want that. she wanted y/n all to herself. 

she didn't want to see y/n covered in blood, unlike all of her other unusual, obsessive crushes. she wanted to see y/n smile, not cry, to see y/n alive and happy, not dead and lifeless, to hear y/n's addicting giggle and her soothing voice, not the silent void that she'd be if she was dead. toga wanted to feel y/n's warmth and hear the beat of her heart, toga wanted y/n to be safe and unharmed. she needed y/n to be alive. toga needed y/n's soul for her own soul to exist. 

(crying yet? okay well get ready for the saddest one of all)

back at ua

they all saw it. they never thought it was possible. denki stopped talking, flirting, and even goofing off in class. people asked if he was okay, but he gave a sour chuckle and said he was fine. he wasn't. he looked like he hadn't slept in years and he had eye bags that could challenge aizawa's. his hair was even a shade darker as well as less springy. his cheeks were rosy, but his skin was pale, making him look sickly. 

bakugou was a lot less snappy and mina lost her spark. the 3 people with the biggest personalities had fallen. 

kirishima was too lost to try and help. 


at lunch, the bakusquad sat silently, picking at their food. uraraka walked over to denki, determined to do something. she sat beside him and tapped his shoulder. 

denki sighed and looked at her, gesturing her to speak. "denki, you have to eat. we are all very concerned about you" ochaco spoke. "ochaco im fi-" "you're not and we can all see it. please, just a couple bites" ochaco begged. kaminari ate a couple bites to get ochaco to stop talking. 

as soon as he swallowed his food, he seemed even worse. he ran across the lunchroom and threw everything up into a trashcan. all anyone could do is watch in horror. 

ochaco blamed herself. she wanted to help, but just ended up hurting him more. 

he dropped wearily to the ground, while shinso was there to catch his limp body. kaminari had a cold sweat running down his face. 

a week later...

hawks sat next to y/n for what felt like the millionth time that week, chirping happily about how his day was. it was the same scene, though each one was slightly different. sometimes he'd painfully cry in the dead of night next to her, sometime he'd lock his tears back and smile even if they pushed themselves down his cheeks, sometimes he'd just grin and talk, other times, he'd just stare at her unmoving form. 

it sadden mirko, watching hawks ramble to the unconscious girl as if she was listening. it sickened her because y/n was as good as dead...


"keigo, please stop" she sighed and slid her hand off the doorway. "huh? oh hey mirko" he smiled at her, knowing what she was talking about anyway. 

"hawks, stop it! don't play dumb with me! you and i both know that she's good as gone" rumi yelled with tears in her eyes. keigo's face soured. 

"she's still here! she's alive! her heart is beating" he argued back. endeavor entered the scene. "hawks... mirko is right. this isn't healthy for you" he stated. 

"what would you know, you overgrown douche bag" hawks yelled angrily as his feathers fluffed up behind him. his breath was ragged and uneven from the pure rage he felt. how could they say she was dead!? she was here and breathing! right in front of their eyes! 

he used his feathers to push them out of the room and lock the door. he couldn't stand it.

he sat, still scowling, looking at y/n. he stood up for a second. he smiled fondly and tucked y/n in and kissed her forehead. 

a knock sounded. "go away" hawks growled. "it's denki... i really need y/n right now" the teen's pain stricken voice could barely make it's way through the door. 

the door opened, revealing the sickly blonde and a concerned, violet-locked boy. "damn kid, you look... wow" hawks said in a concerned way, almost surprised at how terrible the boy looked.

denki chuckled fakely. "look at yourself. number 3 having eyebags, tears, and absolute rage... over a girl. gone soft?" denki said with sarcasm. 

"we all know that y/n could shape even the roughest of hearts if she has the chance" hawks sat back down and denki followed, sitting across from him at y/n's side. 

shinso stood by with a warm smile, watching before him as both blondes felt just the slightest way better having y/n with them. she was truly miraculous, and she didn't even know it. 

(here is this chapter. sorry for jumping off the face of the planet)

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