New friend (Fluff)

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Hello it's been a little, hehe. So first off thank you guys fo 9k reads and over 200 votes! In this chapter I'm not sending ANY hate at Ranboo, he was just the best fit for this. Anyways enjoy!!

Real life AU

Art: @vetonix on Twitter

I don't think there's anything, let me know if there's anything else!

Tubbos POV

As I'm sitting waiting in our favorite restaurant for Ranboo to show up for our annual friends day out, I notice that some of the family's and couples that got here after me are leaving.

I check my phone to see if I have any messages from him. "Um excuse me sir are you ready to order?" The waiter asked, "Um just one more minute please." I look around to see people looking at me with sorrow in there eyes.

As more time passes I start to freak out. "He's not coming" I muttered under my breath. I start to pack up my things when a stranger comes and sits by me. "Sorry I'm late, traffic was horrible" he says pretty loudly.

I look up to see a teenager around my age with strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes. He leans closer to me and whispers "My names Tommy, my family owns the restaurant. Whoever stood you up is a douchebag." "Tubbo"

He sits down and we sit in awkward silence until a waiter comes up.

"What can I get started for y-Tommy!?"

"Oh hey Wilbur. Wilbur, Tubbo. Tubbo, Wilbur. So can I get my special and Tubbo what do you want?"

I look at him and blink a few times before it clicks in my head. " Oh right can I get the chicken sandwich with crisps?" I spoke shyly. "Of course, anything else?"

Tommy and I shake our heads and Wilbur walks off. "So Tubbo tell me about yourself." I look back at him play with his fingers.

"Well I play Minecraft, my favorite animal is a bee, my favorite color is green, I'm 17 and I love to bake." I say with a smile "what about you?"

"Oh I'm 16, love the color red, I love raccoons, and I also play Minecraft!" I look at him with wide eyes. "Really?! What's your username?" And that started are long conversation about Minecraft.

Time skip to the end of lunch.

"Thank you again Tommy, I don'nt know how to repay you" Tommy sighs "Tubbo I already said it was fine, also could I get your number so we can keep in touch?"

Just as I was about to answer my phone starts to ring. I look down, Ranboo. I tell tommy one second and walk a few steps away. "Hello?"

"Bee, I'm so sorry I'm right around the corner we can have a late lunch instead ok, I'll see you in a minute!"

"Wai- he hung up"

I walked back to Tommy and look down. "What were we talking about again?" "I was asking for number so I could text you." "Oh that's right here." I scribble down my number on a napkin and he does the same.

We exchange napkins and he walks back inside. I turn around when I hear my name being yelled. I turn around and I see Boo come around the corner.

He looks at me and we make eye contact. He goes to talk but I shake my head and walk off to my car.

I let out of breath that I didn't know I was holding in and start my car. I connect my phone to the car and put on my playlist.

After 5 minutes of driving my favorite song comes on. I started jamming out all the way home.

I get home and walk through the door "IM HOME!" "Hey honey how was your meet up?" My mom calls from the kitchen. "Good he didn't show up but I made a new friend, I'm tired though so I'm going to go take a nap." I don't wait for a response as I walk up the stairs.

I go and lay down on my bed and think over what's happened in the past two and a half hours, I grab my phone text Tommy to make sure I had the right number.

I put my phone down and crawl into bed and drift off thinking of chicken sandwich's.

And done! I hope you guys enjoyed that one. If you enjoyed make sure to vote! See you next time!
Words: 764
Also I just came across an amazing DNF book it's called Sparks by amber1y00

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