Sandwiches (fluff)

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Aloha! This was written after both vampires so if your confused then that's why, Enjoy

Demon/human AU

Art by: @iloveoranges67 on Twitter

None that I can think of but let me know if there's anything else
Tubbos POV
"It's crazy how I met my best friend over a weird design on my sandwich. I know it sounds crazy. But let me tell you the story"
As I sit at my computer chair my stomach starts to rumble, so I walk down stairs and think of what to eat.

My thoughts all over the place until I decide on a sandwich and crisps. I grab out all the ingredients.

Bread, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, ham, Mayo, and mustard.

I grab two pieces of bread and place them down, I grab a knife and add mayonnaise, and spread it around.

Then I grab the mustard and I squeeze it above the bread so it makes a weird design on the bread, today it looks like an old record/disk thing, cool!

I place down the mustard and I go to reach for the cheese when all the sudden a glowing light coming from the sandwich.

I shield my eyes as the light gets so bright. Then the fades into a red color until there's no light left.

I look up to see a boy sitting on the counter, and I'm to shocked to move, the only thing I can do is look at him.

He has strawberry blonde hair, steel blue eyes, freckles on his pale skin, a red hoodie with a white oversized shirt on top, black ripped jeans, and black worn out converse's he looked normal except for the fact that he has red horns and tail, and he has black and red wings.

I stare at him and blink a few times and he blinks back.

I look back at the sandwich and my stomach growls.

I turn to it and I grab two more pieces of bread and I add Mayo, mustard, lettuce, cheese, tomato, and ham.

I put the two half's together and grab a plate. I place the sandwich on the plate and grab crisps to add to the plate.

Once I'm done I hand it to him, which he gladly takes and starts to munch on the sandwich.

I finish making my sandwich and I add crisps to my plate and I start to eat my lunch.

After he's done he disappears, in which I let out a sigh because I wanted to ask him questions.

A week later

As I'm streaming I hear a loud crash coming from the kitchen.

I tell my chat that I'll be back and i go to the kitchen, to see the same person/demon thing looking through my pantry.

"Hey!" He jumps and looks at me wide eyed."S-sandwich?" He asks.

I sigh and nod. I go and start to make him a sandwich, then I remember my stream.

I run upstairs and tell my chat that I have to go. I end stream and go back downstairs.

I continue to make the sandwich. Once I'm done I give it to him and he eats it and once he's done he says thanks and disappears again.

Two days later

He showed up again, this time I'm going to get his name and why he's here.

I start to grab the ingredients. As I start to make it I ask "what's your name?"

He looks confused so I continue "My name is Tubbo what's your name?"

He looks at me for a couple of seconds and then he responds "T-Tommy"

I smile, happy that I got a response from him.

Later that month

Tommy continues to come every day and sometimes he stay later and doesn't just disappears when he's done eating, today is one of those days.

I'm in the middle of stream as I look over to see him sitting on my bed.

All during the stream I keep looking over or muting so I can talk to him and my chat is starting to catch on that someone is there but I'm just ignoring them.

As I continue I get a donation 'Hey Tubbo! I have a question who is that behind you?' I look over and read the donation

"Um thank you Moonairity for the donation and-" I pause and turn around to see Tommy but with out his horns and wings. I just turn back around and continue my sentence "-This is Tommy my friend" my entire chat goes crazy asking questions about him.

"A little run down for you guys. This is Tommy he's 16 and he lives near me." He just nods along with everything I say. Then he dose something I never expected him to do.

"Hi Tubbos chat!!" My chat then explodes with hi's or pogs. Tommy and I continue to stream.

Soon Tommy taps my shoulder and whispers to me that he has to go and I nod and tell him that I want to say goodbye. I tell my chat that we have to go and I end my stream.

Once I end it he tackles me into a hug and we land on my bed. He snuggles up to me and I run my hand through his hair.

He sits up dragging me with him as he kisses my forehead. He lets go of me and gets up I look at him.

"I'll see you tomorrow right?" I ask. "Of course bubs, see you." And with that he disappears.

I'm so grateful for making that random design on my sandwich.

I close my eyes to sleep.

Hello! I hope you enjoyed this one it took a lot longer then usual! See you next time.

We also hit 600reads in like a day. Y'all are crazy.

Words: 964! Pog!

Tommy and Tubbo PLATONIC one-shots Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang