Chapter 8: The World Isn't Yours

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"Yeonjun, we have a problem." Changbin called out to their investigator, Yeonjun, as Yeonjun calmly walked towards him, where he and Hyunjin had been looking at his laptop, sitting on his chair with his laptop resting on a desk infront of him.

"What's wrong?" He asked, as he put his arm on the table and stood hovering above Changbin.

"The SSS rated vampire we caught is going insane." Biting his nail, he said this, not taking his eyes off the laptop. "I've recorded the footage from the past week, he was fine in the beginning, but the next day he started talking to herself. That continued for 3 days, until the day before yesterday, when he started pacing to and fro, talking to himself even louder. In this footage, you can see him carving something on the wall and how after he's done, he looks directly at the camera. I think-"

"This could be something about vampires we don't know of yet." Yeonjun finished his sentence, looking at the screen of the laptop very intensely. "We shouldn't waste time. We need to get down there and check what's going on. Get Hueningkai and Minho, they are at the lounge. All of you get your QK ready and meet at the Central. Try and observe that vampire's behavior and see if any others are to follow the same."

"K. We'll be there with Minho and Hueningkai in 5 Minutes." Hyunjin nodded, as Yeonjun left from there, to the equipment room. Arming himself with a QK designed for him, he wore metal gear around his neck, to protect his nape from the SSS rated. He left from the equipment room towards the Central, a place where all captured vampires were kept. It was a sort of silent prison for vampires, where they did nothing but eat and sleep. To keep the vampires in the Central sane, they were provided with blood bags each time they started showing signs of insanity or hunger, so as to they don't die before questioning and experimenting.

The feeding season was over. The full moon was now two days back. This meant all vampires who fed were alive, those who didn't, whether they refused to, or just couldn't find their sustenance, died.

This was the reason the going insane of the SSS rated in the prison was peculiar.

Yeonjun, now closing in at Central, had arrived with the gear needed, where he found his other teammates, inspecting the rest. Hueningkai had been in front of the cell of the SSS rated, intrigued and inspecting.

Minho then came towards Yeonjun.

"We investigated all the other prisoners; they are all perfectly sane and fine. This SSS rated is the only case." Yeonjun scoffed at his statement. "Just as I thought, this one sure is something."

Soon, all four of the VCO investigators closed in at the odd vampire's cell, where with the fingerprints of all, the heavy metal door of the cell, slid into the wall and opened.

The vampire looked at the VCO investigators and smiled manically. The carving behind the vampire which was not visible in the footage of the camera was visible now.

"I see you made the grace to meet me again.. Yeonjun."

The vampire smiled, as the other VCO investigators seemed shocked and ready to attack. Just when Yeonjun's name was called out from the vampire's mouth, QKs were released, all on board to charge at that SSS rated. Yeonjun, standing in front of the other three, signaled to fall back.. for now.

"But Yeonjun, how does this-"

"He is someone I happen to have a personal knowing of.."

Changbin started, as he was then cut off by Yeonjun. All the investigators seemed even more stunned than before, as Yeonjun walked towards the vampire.

"We need to have a little talk, Jaemin."

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