Chapter 29: Not Again

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Running out of the small side-street of the less populated neighborhood, she quickly hid inside a convenience store, pretending to be just fine as she walked past the cashier, soon hiding herself in a area where she was sure no CCTVs would capture her.

Yoona carefully sat herself down in a corner of one of the aisles. In an attempt to inspect the four claw like wounds on her calf, she tried to position her leg, only to end up hissing in pain again which she quickly covered up by slapping a hand on her mouth, tears now slowly starting to well up in her eyes as she could feel the pain only starting to get worse as her body started to react to try and do something.

Drowning in pain more and more, she closed her eyes, leaning her head back onto the wall as she didn't realize someone saw her, only being alerted again when she heard shuffling.


Yoona's mind went rampant as she recognized the voice and name. Still trying to convince herself otherwise, she opened her eyes, removing her hand from her mouth only to be disappointed at reality.

"Choi Yeonjun.."

Yoona said faintly as she immediately tried to get back up, trying to get support from one of the shelves to push herself up on her feet again only to crash right back down, knocking a few items off the shelf, more blood flowing out the open wound now dropping on the while tiled floor of the store, drop by drop as Yoona flinched in pain.

Yeonjun charged in her direction as soon as she failed to get back up, setting a basket of things he picked up in the store aside as he quickly crouched down on his knees to be at Yoona's level.

"Hey, hey, Haiyu? Haiyu, what happene- Jesus fuck, you're bleeding-"

Yeonjun attempted to get near the wound as Yoona hit realization, immediately pushing him away and off herself.

"I don't need your fucking help!"

Sucking up whatever pain was there, Yoona tried her best to get back up on her feet as she painfully limped out the store again. Yeonjun followed right behind her, telling the cashier to scan and keep the items in the basket, that he'd be back soon as he told the cashier to scan one last item, paying for it. He rushed out to find Yoona, only to see she was completely gone.

"Haiyu? Haiyu!"

He frantically walked back and forth,  clenching the small box in his hand as his other went up to his hair, brushing it back and out of his face.

'Okay. Just calm down, she couldn't have gone far, right? Calm down, calm-'

His thoughts were interrupted as he saw drops of dark liquid on the ground. He brought his foot closer to the liquid and smudged it across, seeing it was still fresh. Soon his eyes followed the drops to see a faint trail which vanished into a tight corner between two buildings. 

Taking his only bait right now, he hurriedly followed as luck struck him and he found Yoona, again. She was sitting on the ground, her back onto the side wall of one of the two buildings, trying to apply pressure onto the wound.


Yoona's eyes widened as she heard the voice again, soon followed by a groan as she heard Yeonjun run in her direction, him soon being right infront of her, crouching again.

"Just why the fuck can't you just leave me alone?"

"Listen, I get that you're mad at me but you're hurt right now, I can show some basic human decency and try to do something about it atleast, can't I?"

"Hah.. human decency."

Yoona muttered the last part silently as she scoffed. Yeonjun on the other hand hurriedly fumbled with a box in his hand as Yoona's curiosity eventually got the best of her and she ended up peeking. A first-aid kit?

"That won't do shit, you know that, right?"

"I can at least try?"

"Just fucking leave me alone."

Yeonjun only ignored her, hurriedly taking out water and a bunch of small cloth, pouring the water on it and applying it onto her wound. Yoona sharply inhaled, clenching her fists on the ground, by her sides as she felt the cloth's roughness on her open wound.

"Sorry, I probably.. should've warned you. Um, just wait a second."

He single-handedly rummaged through the small box, pulling out a roll of bandage as he held the cloth down onto the wound with his other.

"Here just hold this for a second."

He said, pulling the cloth off for a second, handing it over to Yoona. Yoona only rolled her eyes as she snatched the cloth from his grip and tried to get a look at her wound, eyes widening slightly.

'Fuck, this isn't good.'

Yeonjun eventually found the beginning of the bandage as he turned over from his side to face Yoona again as he noticed her completely still, staring at her wound. His brows knitted naturally as he tilted his head a bit to try and get a look at her face which was covered with his hair.

"Haiyu? You okay?"

Yoona immediately flinched, practically slapping the cloth onto the wound again, hissing out in pain as Yeonjun panicked and gripped her arm which held the cloth.

"What are you doing!? You had to put it on gently, you'll only end up opening it more!"

He whined, trying to seem angry but failing as the worry laced his words obviously.

"Let me check it-"


Yeonjun flinched this time at the sudden increase in Yoona's voice, as she awkwardly cleared her throat.

'If he sees it healing up now, I'd have to kill him..'

"I'm fine, really. Uh, you know what, thank you, for all this and yeah. I'll just go home now."

'But why does it matter? He's done nothing but cause fucking trouble for me so far, killing him will only end up in getting rid of him completely.. so why not..'

Yoona quickly grabbed the bandage from his hand, wrapping it around her calf tightly with the cloth in place. After about four rounds of the bandage, she tore the excess bandage off with ease, tossing it back into the first-aid box.

Gripping a nearby pile of boxes near her, she lifted herself up, and dusted off her clothes as Yeonjun who was still crouched on the ground, looked up at her and eventually got up himself.

"Uhm, thank you again. I don't need your help further so just.. leave me alone."

Yoona put her hands in her pockets, as she turned away from Yeonjun to leave before she felt a tug on her jacket. She turned her head around, to see Yeonjun looking at her like a little child.

"Are you really thankful?"

Yoona's eyes trailed down as she slowly turned back around to face him completely. She sighed in thought, as there was silence amongst the two, only the sounds of the people outside the ally and cars being audible.

'What is he trying to get at..'

"I am."

"Then will you return the favor?"

Yeonjun asked with hope, but his eyes were filled with slight worry and tension. He tried to look into Yoona's eyes, which were still trailed down.

Just as Yoona was trying to think of all possibilities in her mind, she heard footsteps. Very faint footsteps which seemed to be coming closer and closer, and fast.

'Fuck, they're here'

Thinking of a way to end this quickly, she said out loud the one thing she could think of which could end this quick.

"And if I say no?"

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