Huma and Colten Hayes

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Huma's POV

Colten has been gone soo long, I feel like I'm never going to see him ever agian. Valentines day tomorrow, and I have a feeling I'll be alone. My heart aches, I feel my self crumbling like his absence was eroding at my heart.

Colten you had my heart, you still do, but please please come home to me. Show me how it feels to be loved.

Colten's POV

I'm such a jerk! I haven't called Huma for 242 days 4 hours 2 mintues and 26 seconds, but its not like im counting. I have been so busy, with teenwolf and interviews and audtions for movies. I just haven't found anytime to tell her how much I love and how much she means to me.

It sucks beacuse I'm on a plane and I can't tell her I'm finally coming home. To her to cuddle her in my arms, where she belongs.

Huma I'm going to make it up to you, I promise and after this I'm neer leaving without YOU!

Huma's POV

Instagram is a depresent, it doesn't make you feel any better in anyway.

"It's a metaphor see: you put the killing thing right between your teeth, but you don't give it the power for it to it's killing." Why am I watching TFIOS at a time like this, it's only making me sadder.

Before I could even interpet what I'm doing, I am at the door in nothing but a pair of jeans, a lose tee shirt and my timberlands.

I slowly stepped outside not caring for the rain, insteanly soking me.

Colten's POV

The door was open, none was home, all Humia's stuff was still here, tissues all over the floor, the falut in our starts playing in the back ground.

Tissues spread across the floor.

"Huma, honey where are you?" I yelled, only to hear my voice echo though the house.

There was no reply.

My heart sunk thinking of the worst, my hands shakily grabbed the landline phone and rang 999.

"Hello police, I'm Sabiriin how may I help you?" Said the women over the line.

"I think my girlfriend has gone missing, I came home and the house was empty with the front door wide open." I whimpered at the thought of what might of happened.

" Okay, calm down sir, what's your full name and where you are." Sabiriin questioned her voice full of calmness.

"M-m-my name-e is C-colten Hayes and I'm a-at 17 k-kings a-a-avenue sw9 4tw." I stuttered and fingers shaking hard.

"Sir I need you to calm down, Mr Hayes a group of officers have been dispached to your location, would you like me to stay on the line for you." She asked me, to create some form of comfort.

"Y-y-yes please-e" I whispered so quite I'm suprised she even heard.

"okay, so are Mr Colten Hayes from teen wolf?" Sabiriin asked trying to lighten the mood.

"y-y-yeah I am, I-i-i've just gotten back-k from work-king on it." I stuttered allowing myself to be distracted.

" That so cool, my friend loves it, I've never really found the time to sit down and watch it though." Sabiriin giggles down the line, what ever she was doing to distract me was working.

"Sab; if that's okay for me to call you that, you haven't lived if you haven't watched Teen Wolf, you must watch it!" I scole at her, according to every normal teengirl, you must have watched at least one episode of it or your just weird.

"Well, after my shift here, imma go and watch an episode of teenwolf, and I'll report back what I thought." Sab stated laughing.

I was about to reply when I heard a police car closing in, all of a sudden, every emotion I've felt in the last 10 minutes pour back into me like rain.

"Calm down Colten, breath they are going to find her." Sabiriin rush though the phone line as if she felt my anxious feelings.

"O-o-okay, Sab t-t-thank you." I wimpered to her, my thanks.

"For what, I'm doing my job, plus I understand what it's like to have someone go missing, I know how you feel." She replied, sympathy layerings her words.

Then an ofiicer tapped my shoulder, "Sir I need you to step outside for me." The broad man said, his features were sharp and clear, he could say he resembled Superman.

I slugged my way outside where I was pulled by officers for questioning.

But all I had on my mind was were was the love of my life.

Huma's POV

After my walk in the rain, my emotions just spilled as cried. As I approached the end of my road; I saw police surrounding it, but one face that I had been longing to see was the clearest.

He was home.

I sprant like nobody's business, yelling his name; the Madhatter was more normal that I was right now but I don't care.

He was running, his eyes flashing many different emotions and he ran towards me.

I closed all distance between us, leaping into his arms. My natural human reflexes cuddling deep into him, taking in his lemon and lime with coconut smell.

I was calm till, he pushed me out and glared at me; if looks could kill, the heavens would have a new comer.

"Where were you? Why did you just leave like that Huma?!" Colten's voice boomed in my face.

"I just went for a walk, I was always going to come back." Replying to him, but I was shaken with fear, because he looked like he could burst of anger.

"DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN!!" He exclaimed, as the vains in his neck looked like they would explode.

"Col just calm down, I would never leave yoh; well not like that" I pulled him into a hug, rubbing his back softly, I felt him relax instantly under my touch.

"I thought you had been kidnapped or taken to do horrible things" He murmured pulling me closer as if I would just disappear.

"I thought you were dead."

I pulled away looking into his eyes, not seeing anything but love.

I pulled him into me closing all room between out lips.

Colten Hayes, I'm forever yours, to love and to hold.


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