The Visitor

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The title should give it away (in twofold)
PS this chapter sucks XD
Hopefully Chapter 3 makes up for it

For the last couple of days, Killua had noticed that his parents and siblings were walking around like ghosts, not speaking much about anything even at dinner time. If anything he should be the one acting out of character after finding out they had been hiding something so major from him, especially since it had involved him. The blue-eyed prince waved it though, "might be something that only happened to Alphas", he shrugged to himself. He tried to speak with Alluka about it however ever since the Sunday after the incident she was never close enough for him to say two words to the princess. He really wanted to ask her about the treaty he had read but in all honesty, it was probably no use, it had said he was supposed to be married off a little over a year ago and nothing had happened so he was most likely in the clear.

As he walked the halls, he saw the maids hurrying about many of them looking as though they hadn't slept in days. They were extra busy as though his parents were hosting a royal gala but Killua knew it had to be something else as he wasn't informed of such a thing, that one of the few things that they actually told him about.

The prince had finally caught his only sister alone in her bedroom, sitting in a chair in the far corner. The room was much like the teens personally bursting with many colors and lively decor, unlike his which was covered in calming colors such as different shades of greys and blues. He could tell by the look on her face as she just stared lazily out of the window that something was on her mind. He approached her slowly, the thick carpeting cushioning the light footsteps; she didn't even notice he had entered until he called out her name from across the room. "Alluka", the dark lashes fluttered as the princess blinked back to reality before turning to give her older brother a small smile as he ran into her arms. Ever since the incident the royal siblings had only been living in passing, the close bond they had built felt like it had been shattered, and the days had started to become increasingly slow and tedious.

"You found me", she stated softly as she petted the white locs, it wasn't like she was hiding if anything the alpha was pleasantly surprised to see her brother had found her all alone. Since her punishment was to be around Killua, she had been retreating to the room in her free time. It gave a quiet moment to recollect herself and think about that fateful day. It wasn't a secret that she was far from the favorite but being an alpha put her a little ahead of the fat one, only by a smidge. So to be trusted to overlook the omega was sort of a privilege and while nothing happened to Killua under her watch, putting him in such a situation was unacceptable. "You should be in lessons", it was her way of trying to get him to leave, without making him feel unwanted yet it didn't work. Once she had broken the hug and pulled back to see the glee of excitement transform into a quivering frown it didn't take a genius to know that he felt neglected.

"I missed you", it came out low and almost helpless. Alluka decided it was worth the risk to spend a little bit of quality time with his older brother, rather than continuing to push him away to avoid more trouble. She took a seat on the carpeted floor, legs crossed, and patted the space in front of her for Killua to do the same.

Both siblings on the floor, the small omega's hands placed in his sister's and lightly rubbed her thumbs over the knuckles, just enjoying each other's company in the living silence. It dawned on the Alpha that she too missed times like these, and she vocalized that as well. "Then have you been ignoring me?", the peaceful aura that was expanding in the room was quickly squashed. "Everyone's been acting weird including you?", Killua was hurt and confused, it was no mistake.

"Oh Kil-", the princess started only to be cut off by the small hands snatching out of hers. She gazed at the blue orbs that were similar to the ones she possessed except held a different burden. "Kil I—", unable to complete thought as she was cut off again.

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