The Fire

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Flashback Part 3 of 3

"I'll be taking that", a voice came from the man who was standing over the mini version of himself. He plucked the photo of the frail hands like it was a flower rooted into the ground. It was in almost perfect condition, almost as though they had just taken it yesterday but it had been a little over two weeks and his son hadn't put it down once. At this point, the king suspected the child slept with the thing too, similar to a stuffed animal; he wasn't quite bold enough to check, afraid he was correct in his suspicions.

He frowned at the smug look written across his colleague's face, mere seconds away from ripping the thing into shreds, he felt a tug on his pants leg. Looking down, he saw azul marbles staring up at him accompanied by an open palm. His Kil wanted the photo back, and he might've been willing to oblige if he wasn't also met with the fierce topaz that contrasted with the child's eyes.

The last fortnight Killua's attention had been dominated by these two items, and frankly Silva was sick of it. Though he didn't want to hurt his child's feelings to such a great extent so he thought on his toes, "I'll put it in a safe place", he told the child. The eyes lingered on him for a moment, it was clear that the omega was a hundred percent trusting of his father, but he didn't put up a fight for the picture, simply nodding.

He had an inch, wondering if he could take two, he crouched down and reached for the pendant that swung from the frail neck. Before he could touch the piece of jewelry his hand was slapped away. A bit thrown off that his usually shy child had managed to do something of this nature, he had to suppress the urge to snatch it from the small boy's neck. Taking a deep breath, "I'll put it in a safe place too", he tried to reason with the child.

"No", short and sweet. Knowing this will only end badly for their father-son relationship if continued to press, he left it. Allowing the child to win, the small piece that he held in hand would be enough for now. Standing up preparing to leave, he heard the soft voice asking him to stop. "One more", the finger pointed at the picture, feeling some type of remorse, the man handed it off to his son.

The small beady eyes looked over the snapshot of the past, tracing a finger over the faces. "Gon", he said to himself with a sincere smile trailing across the innocent face. Releasing the photo back into the possession of his father, a tiny hand used one hand to grip the pendant that rested comfortably just below his chest and the other to wipe away any tears forming in the eyes. The alpha could help but notice as Killua was reacting to him taking the photo like it was the last time he was going to see those faces ever again.

Well, maybe it was.

Wasting no time fearing that the child might change his mind about parting with the photo, Silva left the room without even a glance back.


"He's doing well", as expected. The future king was taking the information he was given and running with it, even some of the harder concepts. Whether it was his second gender or just good genes, the advisor took the news and rejoiced. She was skeptical about the young child stepping into the role with so little experience but he was doing fine, better than fine actually.

Thanking and dismissing the tutor, she was told about a tad bit more information, "He remarked that, 'he had to be a good king for someone named KiKi'", the instructor quoted the alpha prince. Mito wasn't the slightest bit shocked, if anything she would've been more surprised if the other child didn't come up during lessons.

Her smile didn't waver as she laughed it off, "you know how children are", waving at the tutor as they exited the castle doors. Well not as children as her nephew, not one day could pass by without Gon bringing up the toddler. She wasn't against discussing the other children, it made her nephew happy after all. But the more he talked, the more he wanted to be in the same space as the younger prince.

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