The Wise

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Serious question: how did you guys did this fic? I'm actually curious to know.
Like was it random, we're you already subscribed to me, was it recommended, or did someone mention it somewhere?

"Thought you may want some company", yea he did, from his spouse not the pitiful excuse of a father standing in his chambers. It was late evening and he had no desire to eat whatsoever, he'd much rather spend his energy feasting upon the porcelain flesh of his lover. Instead, he was graced with the presence of another alpha male, one's company he could care less about; maybe if Leorio was here he wouldn't be so irritated.

'How could this night get any worse?' Gon questioned himself.

"Well I guess it's time we have this talk"

And it just got fucking worse, there were only a few things Ging could want to discuss right this moment, neither sounding appealing to the young alpha who was nearing the edge.

Nightly breezes circled the room, bouncing off each corner, making sure to hit every spot. Every gust brushing the omega's scent off the fabric into the air. Flowing curtains flicking off the appetizing aroma into the nostrils of the adolescent driving him even more wild. 

"You're at the age where you want to do things", unable to enjoy the citrusy smell, Gon cut his eyes at the older man who paid him no mind as he continued talking. "I'm sure Mito talked to you", Ging finally took a seat, "but I'm here to truly educate you" there was no better time to have this discussion than right now like maybe a couple of years ago would've been nice. "Mating and marking Killua as yours isn't just about the intercourse". Gon knew that from the many lessons he had to sit through, his aunt couldn't teach him everything, his father kinda abandoned him so a tutor was the next best thing.

"Yeah yeah I know it all", waving his father off in a dismissive manner; he and the omega had grown close in the last week making things even more official than they currently are wouldn't change much by his standards. Other alphas would be less likely to make overtures towards Killua, but his beauty being a blessing and curse wouldn't eliminate the problem until....that he didn't mind waiting on. There was no viable reason the two couldn't just get it over and done with.

"If that's what you think", the king's rambling was cut off, "you're not ready". Gon tilted his head waiting for the words to process. What was Ging trying to say? Is he trying to infer Gon wasn't ready for the role of a parent or?

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?", the boosted testosterone pumping through his body alongside the seemingly offensive comment he had just received, had the teen moments away from blowing up. "Are you insinuating that I wouldn't be a good father?", that's not what was said but that's what was heard. How could the former leader know a decent parent was anyways, when he was around all he did was work and he left the kingdom in the hands of a twelve-year-old; a pretty bride, that he's just now marrying and a throne that was mostly ruled by Mito until recently, so the parent of the decade award. This man had some nerve, he came stirring up mayhem then fixed his mouth to say Gon wasn't ready to ceremoniously be joined with his omega, the disrespect.

Ging chuckled to himself, but he should've seen this reaction coming a mile away. He wasn't questioning the teen's ability to take care of a child, children were fairly easy to care for. Sitting back, crossing his legs and closing his eyes the older alpha spoke nonchalantly, "If you think becoming an omega's proper mate is all about keeping him all to yourself and possibly knocking him up then go ahead", he shrugged. Some things were better learned with experience than someone's advice, especially a person the listener could care less about. The night was still fairly premature and tensions in the room were already high; he wanted to open the window but the occasional breeze assured him it already was.

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