The Start

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This chapter is a week and a day late, here's why: I mixed up my Sundays for after Gonkillu week and then I had a long depressing week followed by a last minute practice on Saturday so, here we are

Golden eyes blinked open, awakened from his slumber by the early autumn breeze and sun rays that poured into the bedroom. Sometime during the night, the king pulled back the curtains and opened the window. It had gotten fairly stuffy in the space he and his bride occupied, unsure whether it had gotten warm or if the omega's scent had bothered him, nonetheless he obviously needed some fresh air. Glancing down he wasn't surprised to see his spouse still fast asleep despite the morning star's beams caressing his pale cheeks. 'Is it too late to cancel the breakfast?', he asked himself; probably so and he couldn't just show up either.

With no other options, Gon had to get up and attend the meal, cursing to himself since it was his decision at the end of the day. Careful not to disturb his sleeping beauty, the teen tried to lift the smaller body off of him but was halted by the noises coming from the resting individual. A drop of sweat traveled down the temple of the tanned teen, waking Killua wasn't exactly on his to-do list, so he was frightened seeing the blue orbs open slowly, sleep still present in them. Knowing nothing else would work, the large hands began to play around in the white curly playground, the omega called hair. Within seconds, the eyes were shut along with the small back that began to rise and fall softly. The alpha let out a sigh of relief, he had successfully put his lover back to sleep.

Then it hit him like a bag of rocks, he hadn't actually made any progress, his chest still held the weight of his bride. After waiting a few moments to ensure Killua had truly drifted back off, in one swift motion he had slid from underneath the pale beauty, freeing himself. Of course, he'd love to spend the rest of his day laid up with his queen but now he had to handle his other duties. Sitting up, taking a good look at the plasma ball in the sky he had come to the conclusion that if he moved fast enough he would be on time for breakfast.

Sliding over to the edge of the bed, just about to get out, a slight pull caught his attention. Honey eyes softened seeing it was the small hand of his beloved. Thinking it was just sleep reflex of sorts, Gon gently pried the fingers from his garment. "Don't....go", it was a whisper of a whisper, so quiet it could be mistaken for a feather landing upon a bed of clouds.

Figuring it was nothing more than the wind, the king stepped into the bathroom to get ready for the day. Groaning aloud in dismay, after he closed the door behind him. Turning on the water, Gon undressed, stepping into the still running liquid. A quick bath would help calm the tanned teen as well as help wash away any excess of Killua's scent on him before it began to drive him mad. Having his spouse sleep with him was a blessing but also a curse. They had been married for almost a month and had yet to consummate it. This wasn't an issue for Gon for the most part but being around two other alphas in his home, in such close proximity to his omega made him instinctively want to mate and claim Killua as his.

He almost regretted not listening to his aunt, if this is what the omega's aroma was doing to him; he could only imagine what he was doing to Ki. The day before the albino was only in the room with him and the other two alphas for a matter of moments before growing overwhelmed and dozing off. There had been a minor change in the white-haired teen's signature odor but nothing too alarming, yet. Worst case scenario, Gon would have to lock his love in a room alone for a day or two, but that wasn't anything he wanted to do.

Soaking away his worries and unfortunately his better half's fragrance, the ruler hurriedly got dressed, just about to head down to the dining hall. Leaving out the restroom, heading straight for the door, he caught a glimpse of the pale fingers opening and closing in a grabbing motion. Was it a sleeping reflex or something more, Gon wasn't exactly sure so he paused to observe a couple of seconds longer? "Don't.....go", still low but a bit louder than earlier. Gon went over to the bed and placed his hand right in the other teen's reach. "Stay", his pointer and middle finger wrapped firmly and tugged.

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