Chapter 2- Sewers

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Chapter 2: Sewers
- George's POV -

Picking up my pace, an arm suddenly reached out of the darkness, snatching me aside and tightly clasping a hand over my mouth. A short lived groan left me when my back slammed against a brick wall, eyes widening in horror as I tried to get out, merely staring at the mask of one of them. The 'Daredevils'.

My heart was beating fast, pounding inhumanly fast against my rib-cage as I stared back at the masked Daredevil holding me against the wall, now with a shiny silver knife pressed against my neck. It was probably a good idea on his end because I could just feel the urge to scream crawling up my sore throat as the strangers hold tightened and the fear of dying getting to me.

I could feel eyes boring into me through the Daredevil's white mask, and a simple hand drawn smile staring back at me.  How sadistic. Having this taunting smile be the last thing I see before I go. Screwing my eyes shut and tilting my head away, I waited for my life to flash before my eyes. I couldn't do anything but accept my fate. This was it.

The eyes remained on me as the devil took its time. How cruel- Tap Tap

A finger tapped my forehead. I slowly opened my eyes, visibly confused as the masked person slowly put a finger up to the smile signaling to remain quiet. What?

The grip on me tightened and I quickly nodded in confirmation, wincing as pressure was put on my chest. I felt the knife reluctantly retreat and the hold on my chest merely loosen but the gloved hand remained clasped over my mouth. Wow, they're smarter than I expected. I knew what they wanted and as much as I hated being told what to do, this case wasn't really a do or don't situation. I could do nothing but cooperate. The Daredevil finally removed their hand, peeking their head out once and signaling me to follow when I assume the coast was clear.

Of course, to my utter hesitation, I followed the masked person and moved towards the round metal drain grate leading down to the sewers. I watched in disgust as they slid the top open, nudging their head down before climbing down first. Probably sensing my hesitation. But I guess they just had to trust I'd follow.

When the masked person finally jumped down the last few steps, I followed and figured I'd just have to lose them in the sewers if it ever came down to it. But I wouldn't deny that I was scared. What if I was killed here? What if no one found my body? Is this person maniac enough to kill me in the sewers among the rats?

Reaching the last step of the metal ladder, a hand stopped me and pointed at the top, signaling to shut it. I did as told with a gulp and climbed back down when the top shut closed. Once my feet met the wet floor, my hand instantly reached for the hilt of my sword, whipping it out with a slink and pointing it at the masked person's back in threat.

"W-Why did you bring me down here? Is this one of those sadistic games of yours? What d-do you want?" I stammered, pushing my sword further into the masked's back. "Tch, I'm not one of them. You can calm down." The person raised their arms, signaling surrender. A male.

"Who are you then? Remove your mask." I demanded but that didn't seem to please the other and suddenly the tables were turned and I was now on sharp end of a sword pointed at my neck, the sharp end a nick away from slicing me. "Don't start a battle you can't win, shorty. It'd mean nothing to me if you died right now so pick wisely whether you want that weapon of yours pointed at me in threat or a playful duel." His words held power and intimidation, power I knew that he held and could not win against even if I tried.

I slowly lowered my weapon and the masked man mirrored my actions. "Call me Dream." He said quite confidently as he disappeared into the darkness, emerging afterwards with a rundown leather backpack. "Come on, we've got bit of a walk to cover." I heard him echo from ahead of me, slowly trailing after him. Where are we even going?

This man may be my key to surviving this night however, but I still had my strong doubts.

That's all you could really do when it comes down to trust and survival.


Dream -as the man said he went by- eventually came to a stop and motioned me to be quiet. I was still clearly conflicted with everything going on and worried whether I really should or shouldn't be trusting this stranger.

Soon enough, we reached another drain grate leading up to the surface but this time the metal ladder leading out was bent and clearly out of our service, only the top bit of it miraculously remaining in an exceptional shape. Dream seemed to be aware of that knowledge though since he didn't waste a second as he hopped onto the remaining bit of the ladder and quietly slid open the metal door open. It wasn't a surprise that he reached up so easily though. He looked to be 6'2 in height and even taller with the leather boots he was wearing.

I was snapped out of my daze by a droplet of water falling into a puddle near my feet and Dream's booted feet thudding on the ground when he dropped down. He then leaned down on one knee, tangling his fingers together in a rigid form and nodded up at me. Clenching my jaw, I clutched a hand on Dream's shoulder for grip and placed my right foot on the palm of his hands before being hoisted up.

I kept a sharp eye out when I emerged, looking around my surroundings cautiously before reaching a hand down to Dream who only ended up ignoring me. I scoffed quietly at the boy's rudeness and backed away enough for him to jump up and hoist himself out.

Sliding the top back on, Dream faced the shorter boy and flicked his fingers in a farewell. "You're on your own from here on, buddy."

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