Chapter 8- Princess

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  Chapter 8: Princess
- George's POV -

We were moving.

The feeling of my body swaying was very faint as I forcefully fluttered my eyes open. Even then everything was blurry and unclear, but I could at least make out silhouettes of trees around us enough to understand that we were walking through a forest. Shutting my eyes briefly, a frown drew itself on my face as another headache began to form.

When I reopened them, my vision focused on a figure walking ahead of me. It was still very vague but I could make out a person in black and white clothing and some sort of weapon slung over their shoulder. In their hand was a white mask, almost identical to the one one of the Daredevils wore. Daredevil.

Feeling panic rise up my throat, my instincts kicked in and my hand was reaching for the hilt of my sword, only to clutch a soft material instead.

"Getting kind of touchy don't you think? At least ask for my consent first." My head snapped up with regretful abruptness as the familiar smug voice spoke and I could feel a sigh of relief just begging to be let out as my worries slightly settled down. I wouldn't want to largen his ego even more; its already too big for his own good.

"Shut up." I mumbled as I looked away, hoping to hide my red cheeks. "Alright, princess." I chocked on my spit. "W-What?!"

That's when I realized. Dream was carrying me.

"I-I can walk on my own now." I pushed lightly against his arms but he only tightened his grip on me and shook his head. "Your ankle's fucked up. You'll only slow us down and make it worse." He objected.

"Then leave me behind." I snapped irritatedly, forcing myself out of embrace and catching myself on my good foot. His embrace was warm, tender -much to my surprise- but I wouldn't give into it. I knew I needed Dream's help. I knew deep inside that in someway, I depended on him. But as childish as it sounds, whatever we have is out of line and I couldn't turn a blind eye to everything that happened.

Maybe we wouldn't be in this situation if we just left at the time and yet maybe we would be. But regardless, how mindlessly he took the situation and how neglectful he had been when our lives were at stake was furriating.

Sighing heavily, I scanned the forest floor for something that could pose like a cane of sort until I spotted a broken tree branch laying hopelessly under a withered tree. Yeah, the branch's the hopeless one. Clenching my jaw and taking a deep breath I began to hop over, each step erupting a little sting in my ankle before dying down when I pause to catch my balance. Yes, I'm stubborn enough to do this on my own.

Readying myself to take another hop, a figure appeared in front of me making me stop on impulse and consequently lose my footing. "FUCK!" I yelped out as I stumbled backwards, accidently tripping on my deformed ankle and making me fall. My back slammed against the gravel-covered ground with a strong thud and a loud hiss escaped me as my ankle began to throb.

"F-Fuck." I whispered out shakily as a tear slipped down my cheek, squeezing my eyes shut to distract myself from the excruciating agony stabbing through my leg. A little snap brought me back to reality and I opened my eyes. The Daredevil.

He stood only a few feet away from me, motionless and as silent as silence could get. I contemplated screaming out to Dream, asking him for his help, but either way I was already too late and Dream was already too far ahead. I didn't expect him to go out of his way to help me anyways. Not after brushing him off when he tried to help in the first place.

Gulping, I heaved myself backwards in attempt to keep distance. I was at a huge disadvantage, clearly enough.

"S-Stay back." I stammered, attempting to find something to defend myself with. The Daredevil tilted his head lightly before dropping the axe to his side and taking a step forward.

He pointed his axe towards me. I need to get away. The Daredevil took another step towards me as I tried to shuffle backwards before my back finally hit a tree trunk and the Daredevil continued to approach, trapping me. No.

"W-Wait! Wait please!" I begged, shielding myself with my arms as if doing that will spare me from being man slaughtered. Hell maybe even chopped into pieces and shipped all around the world. Or maybe even sold in the black-market as fresh meat.

A consistent clicking sound made my ears twitch as I continued to shield myself and a little tap on my head dared me to open my eyes. "It's getting dark." The Daredevil spoke neutrally from above me, now pointing the back end of his axe towards me.

I stayed still. This must be a trap.

The Daredevil nudged then axe closer to me, motioning me to take it, and I took in a deep breath.

Reluctantly grabbing the clutch, I was suddenly hauled onto my feet -leaning most of my weight on my good ankle- and an arm wrapped it self around my waist for support. "T-Thank you." I mumbled quietly and we started to move.


Sunset had passed and the bright moon was all that could light our paths now. After walking for an hour we were officially re-united with Dream near a large stream of water where he must've stopped for a water break.

The water looked filtered enough and drinkable according to the Daredevil who went by Sapnap. I familiarized the name and mask as the one back at Dream's bunker when we were caught by the group of four. Which brought us to where we were now. The explanation that will answer all our questions.

"Why did you help us?" I asked as I faced the water. The question's been poking at the tip of my tongue for half of the walk here and now that it's finally out in the open.. I wanted an answer.

Of course though, when all I could hear were the sounds of stridulating crickets and the intolerably loud snoring erupting from both Sapnap and Dream behind me, I realized my questions might have to wait. I rolled my eyes.


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