Chapter 9- Cave

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Chapter 9: Cave
- George's POV -

"What about this cave?" I point to a wide opening of a deep cave, following Sapnap's guidance as we limp towards the dark entrance, stopping right outside it. Well, as I limp- Sapnap just being a temporary replacement for my left foot. I look at Sapnap.

"Seems like our best shot." I take a look inside, trying to focus my vision on anything but black, but it was inevitable. "We need light." I think, perking when I realized I might've had something that could help us out. "Sapnap, in your bag," I point. "there's two torches in there, I crafted them yesterday when you were out cold. They should be useful." I continue, keeping my balance as steady as I can on the makeshift cane and good foot when Sapnap pulled away to grab the resources.

"Should be good enough." He twirled the torches around before reaching into his back pocket and, coincidently enough, grabbing a flint and steel. And with that, two fires were lit and the cave was lit enough to function around.

We've been walking ever since sunrise happened and after hours including water breaks, deciding directions, and an awful lot of awkward and tension-filled silence, we found this cave. It should be good enough. For now at least.

"It looks sturdy enough." He shrugged as we walked through, Dream trailing behind us before officially claiming his spot near one of the cave walls. "Enough to keep a roof over our heads. I think we should rest here for now, we'll plan what to-"

"No can do buddy boy," Sapnap cut me off, swinging his axe over his shoulder and flicking his two fingers in a "goodbye" motion. "while you do that I'll hunt down some food. Dad's gotta eat." Patting his stomach and clicking his tongue, he pulled the mask completely over his face and walked out. Sighing, I used whatever energy I had left and pulled myself to the ground, careful of my damaged ankle.

Fortunately, if you could say that, while Dream and Sapnap were out cold the day before I took some time to tend to my ankle. I didn't have many effective resources but it should be good with whatever the two could grab from the bunker. I had cushioned it up with some gauze and the t-shirt I had previously worn under the hoodie.

I wince when a sliver of pain shoots through my leg, suppressing my whimper of pain and successfully leaning my back against the wall. I sigh. The cave was deep and dark enough to hide in safely and discreetly and humidity and wet walls would provide a cool atmosphere for us to settle in.

Spotting the familiar green hoodie in the corner of my eye, I glance over at Dream. His head was leaned back against the wall and soft breathy snores left him as his chest lightly rose and fell. He amazed me in a way. He seemed confident in whatever he did. He looked relaxed, calm. Like nothing fazed him or.. or like the world isn't the way it is. Like he had no government oppression constantly putting bounties, rewards and prices on his head. Like his life wasn't at risk or in danger every minute of everyday.

It worried me, but confused me just as much.

"It's not really nice to stare, you know." Speak of the devil. My eyes widened and a blush instantly creeped up my face. But Dream was far from done embarrassing me. "If you wanted to kiss me so crucially you could've just asked, Gogy." His mask was now pulled over his lips, revealing he cocky smirk I so badly wanted to punch off his face. I raised a brow, forcing back my blush. Thankfully the darkness of the cave would help me out a bit.

"You know Dream," I pause. "you seem to make a lot of jokes concerning your love life lately. It almost makes me think you're interested in me or something." I replied instead, raising my brows expectantly and leaning back.

"Almost." He snickered, the faint smirk playing on his lips before being pulled into a painful wince. My eyes caught him clutching his side and my brows furrowed into a worried look. Getting on my knees as much as I can, I crawled towards him with the bag Sapnap had held dragging behind me as I made my way over.

Dream's jaw was pulled into a clench as I gently pulled his arm away, revealing the blood-stained material that -as far as my colorblindness could detect- was once green. "You're injured.." I frowned, grabbing the bag and scrambling to pull out everything that I needed; bandages, a water bottle, needle and a string, a knife, a towel, and whatever else that I could find. Well, almost everything. But supplies would have to be managed later.

"Way to point out the elephant in the room." He rolled his eyes -it was obvious even if I couldn't see it- and I glared at him. "At least that elephant would be more grateful than you are, Dream." I scowled, holding back the temptation of stabbing him with the needle. The temptation was there, and it was quite strong.

"Whatever, just.. take off your shirt already." I huffed, carefully wetting the towel with the limited water I currently had and deciding to worry about our shortage later.

"This again? Have you no decency, Gogy?" Dream tutted, but eventually complied. When his shirt was completely off and discarded to the side, revealing the wound, my mind began convincing me he was simply immortal. Blood coated bandages wrapped around his entire torso and stomach and occasional bruises littered on untouched skin. But the real damage was simply hidden underneath. I started to unwrap the used gauze, finally revealing irritated skin and the bloodied wound. The stitches still seemed in but now hidden amongst ripped skin and underneath dried blood. Fresh blood still seemed to exit the wound but it was barely noticeable as blood coated most of the skin around it.

"Your wound re-opened again," I clenched my jaw, occasionally glancing up at him to make sure he was alright. This was an injury too sever for him to not consciously be affected by.


"Dream?" I asked slowly, receiving a weak, muffled hum in response. "I'm.. okay. Still here." He forced out, trying to grip onto his conscious and stay awake. But it was no use..

and he passed out..

12 Hours (A Dɴғ Fᴀɴғɪᴄᴛɪᴏɴ)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang