☽𝚒: 𐒠, 𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚙𝚞𝚜𝚌𝚞𝚕𝚊𝚛.☾

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𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚙𝚞𝚜𝚌𝚞𝚕𝚊𝚛:  𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚘𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝.

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Adella Blue walked quickly along the busy streets of Queens, New York, struggling to carry the heavy grocery bag her babysitter asked her to get from the twenty-four hour store around the corner from her apartment. May Parker was in the middle of making dinner when she realised she was missing a few ingredients so she sent out the kid to get them. Normally she would have sent her fourteen year old nephew but he was at a friends house. It was an odd sight, a short, brunette child who was no older than ten, manoeuvring through the crowds of drunken adults that had been kicked out of the local bars with such expertise and grace. 

It was obvious she was a native of the city even at such a young age. Her short stature was the first thing noticed by all who she pushed past on the hopes to get home before anything bad happened. She was still well mannered so every push was accompanied by an 'excuse me' or 'sorry'. Her hopes were crushed when a gruff man grabbed her empty right hand and pulled her into the dark alleyway. She started to scream like she was taught by her mother and tried to alert anyone nearby that someone was going to hurt her. No one who heard her yells were in the mood to be heroes that day. 

They just stumbled away, drunkenly, from the alley where a nine year old girl was being stabbed and robbed. The man had ran less than five minutes after grabbing her, all he wanted was her food and money but she didn't have any money, May had given Della only enough to buy the food and nothing else so in frustration and anger the man stabbed the girl with the silver kitchen knife he had probably stolen from his mom's butchers block.

Adella had been stabbed a total of four times in the abdomen and was left to bleed out in the cold. She had no fight in her tiny body ten minutes in and gave into the light. She could feel her soul pack up everything it had in her body and start to fly up. Her short life flashed by quicker than normal, leaving her to lay staring at the still, night sky. Stars twinkled brighter than her future.

That was when an old Latina lady walked towards her in the alley. The woman grabbed her wrist to check for a pulse, she felt none and was left to think that the girl had been laid there dead, for a decently long time but not long enough to start decomposing.

The old lady thought it would be the perfect time to switch bodies. Her wrinkled hand went from Adella's wrist to her temple. The woman's body began to rot starting at her finger tips and ending when it reached her non beating heart. Her rotten body fell to the floor and with impact it disintegrated. 

The ancient demon Crius had decided that Carolina Minta's body was about to die again, killing him in the process so he thought that the body of the little girl in the alley was going to be a great opportunity to switch without having to kill another person himself. 

Adella's chocolate brown eyes didn't light up like normal, instead they were an angelic light blue. Once Crius got comfortable in the space Adella kept her soul, he groaned at the knife wounds and waved her hand over them making the skin begin to sew itself back together, looking as if it was never slice open in the first place. Thankfully, it was a full moon so he was also able to bend the blood that stained Adella's mint green sweatshirt out. He jumped up and dusted off the body to look decently presentable so that no one would come over to her and ask where her parents were.

This movement kicked Adella's soul back in, pushing Crius' slightly trying to hide so she could still stay inside the body, unnoticed. She was naïve, of course, the being that had been around for almost three thousand years had felt the kid's soul act as a stow away. He left it for now, it would take a decently bigger space to expel her successfully and not be seen. He didn't expect for her to fight for conscious, and win. 

Crius was surprised and impressed when he felt himself go into the passenger seat, he could still see as Adella looked around confused. She suddenly turned around to see a broken full body mirror in the corner of the alley. She shrieked in horror, instead of seeing a four-foot, nine inch, brunette, brown eyed girl in a bloody green shirt and black leggings she saw a six-one black haired, blue eyed man in a clean suit and round glasses. On the other hand, Crius saw her instead of himself. 

He decided to play a game with her, he smiled and waved, knowing that she would be able to see him do so in the cracked mirror. She looked horrified and was about to start running when Crius spoke in her mind, "Don't be scared little one. My name is Crius, what is yours?" He had a proper British accent and a certain way of pronouncing words that didn't quite ease Della's nerves, the pet name didn't either. 

"What's going on?" Della was justifiably confused and had every right to know that a demon decided to posses her dead body. Crius wasn't going to enlighten her unless he knew her name, so he persisted. "Ah, ah, ah. I need to know your name before I can tell you what is going on, my dear." Adella grimaced at the name, her father called her that. "Adella Blue." She mustered up the courage to tell him.

"Beautiful name but what is your middle name? I normally call the bodies by their middle names. That one over there was Maria." The reflection gestured to the clumps of black dust behind the child. Her fear bubbled into anger at how he was behaving in this situation. "Rosalind, now tell me what in the hell is going on and how to kick you out of my body." The actual child had the audacity to demand something from a demon.

To rationalize her actions, she didn't know he was a demon. Crius just chuckled at her fiery attitude. "Now that was quite rude if I'm going to be honest with you Rose, like I've said before my name is Crius. I am a demon." Adella's jaw dropped to the floor and her eyes became crazed, thoughts of objection and doubt ran through the brain she was currently in control of. Crius listened to every single word that tried to denounce him as just hallucinations due to blood loss and smirked. 

He had a strange liking for Adella, she was strong enough to push herself to consciousness and then to try and stand up to the damned angel and she was fearless enough to have not ran yet. The young girl held great potential and Crius could see that. 

"My dear, I assure you I am very much real." Crius spoke into her mind without moving his mouth in the reflection and Adella's mind settled down as she came to terms with the fact that there was a demon in her body. He then explained their situation in much detail. How every two years he has to switch dead bodies to make sure he can stay alive and has been doing so since the gods had taken his angelic titles thousands of years ago. He continued his spiel on how he came to be while the nine year old tried to process everything.

When he was done, he asked her. "Now dear, do you want to make a deal with the devil?"


A/N: mmm childhood trauma part one of five. Anyways HAVE A GREAT DAY YOU LOVELY HUMAN.

-Sincerely, Bee.

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