Miss Midnight

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Staff Chat

Cementoss- Cementoss
BenDover- Midnight
Cockatoo- PresentMic
Aizawa- Eraserhead
Rat God- Nedzu
NomNom- Lunch Rush
King- Vlad King
Dig- Powerloader
Nohands- Ectoplasm
Bullseye- Snipe
REST!- Recovery Girl
Resident Therapist- Hound Dog
Thirteen- Thirteen
Izuku- Izuku


King: who's this?

BenDover: miss?? That is literally amazing thank you

BenDover has changed BenDover's name to MissMidnight

MissMidnight: also I'm fine- Chiyo was on duty at the time so no lasting damage done

Nohands: I'm confused

Izuku: oh, I'm sorry! I just saw miss midnights fight on the news and I was worried she was really hurt

REST!: ...
REST!: who broke my patient?

Izuku: wait did I make it worse? I'm so sorry!

MissMidnight: I'm fine, Izuku-chan, just emotionally devastated

Izuku: oh no! Oh my goodness I'm so sorry miss midnight, I didn't mean anything bad I swear I was just worried

MissMidnight: I think I may adopt you

Izuku: ?

MissMidnight: yes

Izuku: you'd have to fight my mom tho and she's a beast in court

Rat God is online

Rat God: ah, Inko Midoriya- one of the leading quirk discrimination lawyers in the country
Rat God: I admire your mother's work, Midoriya- kun

Izuku: me too!
Izuku: I'll tell her you said that!

King: allow me to reiterate
King: who is this?

MissMidnight: he's my son, back off Vlad

Nohands: you don't have kids, nemuri

MissMidnight: if anything happened to him I'd kill everyone in the room and then myself

Cockatoo is online

Cockatoo: same

Bullseye is online

Bullseye: same

Dig is online

Dig: ^

Cementoss is online

Cementoss: I agree with this statement

Izuku: guys??
Izuku: are you okay?
Izuku: olease don't say that I don't want you to get hurt
Izuku: I'm not worth that

MissMidnight: ...
MissMidnight: names

Izuku: uh?

MissMidnight: give me the names of who hurt you
MissMidnight: I just want to chat

Izuku: I'm so confused

King: I agree with the imposter

Rat God: he's welcome here

King: ...former imposter

Rat God: exactly

Nohands: then allow me to properly welcome you

Izuku: thank you very much!

MissMidnight: I'm literally squealing
MissMidnight: he's so pure??

REST!: nemuri I will take away your phone if you don't get some sleep
REST!: bed, now

MissMidnight: ...
MissMidnight: fine
MissMidnight: but no one can quench the love I feel for this boy

MissMidnight is offline

Izuku: um
Izuku: thank you miss midnight!

MissMidnight is online

MissMidnight: SJJSKSKS

REST!: I will whack you with my cane

MissMidnight: -oop

MissMidnight is offline

REST!: good

Izuku: WAIT
Izuku: ohmygoodness

Bullseye: ...he's doing it again


Dig: uh oh

REST!: hello, child

Izuku: I.. I need a moment

Rat God: if you don't mind me asking, Midoriya- kun, but how did you figure out her identity so quickly?

Izuku: oh, well looking back Miss Midnight called her Chiyo, which was a dead giveaway

Dig: I thought the public didn't know her civillian identity?

Izuku: but it was really the somewhat abrasive but still paternal, nurturing attitude she held toward miss midnight
Izuku: that coupled with her mention of the cane and the fact that she had apparently healed miss midnight made the whole thing relatively obvious

Rat God: interesting

Ectoplasm: ...that can't be good

Dig: welcome to our world now

REST!: it's nice to meet a fan, son
REST!: I trust you take good care of yourself?

Izuku: of course Miss recovery girl! I eat healthy and go on runs with my mom during the week!

REST!: hm
REST!: you don't overdo it, do you son?

Izuku: no ma'am

Bullseye: hmmmm

Dig: suspicious

Izuku: I swear! My mom makes sure I'm getting lots of rest

REST!: your mother sounds like a smart woman

Izuku: she is!

King: I'm still very confused at the whole situation
King: so I'm going to leave

King is offline

Cockatoo: to each his own
Cockatoo: how was your day, little listener?

Izuku: good!
Izuku: oh wait hold on
Izuku: I got an idea

Izuku has changed Izuku's name to LittleListener

Aizawa is online

Aizawa: why is Hizashi crying?

Dig: the kid changed his name to LittleListener

Aizawa: that'll do it

Aizawa is offline

LittleListener: bye Eraserhead- san!

Nohands: he's so sweet?

Dig: we don't get it either

LittleListener: ?

Bullseye: never mind, kid. Get to bed

LittleListener: okay, good night everyone!

Bullseye: goodnight

Dig: gn

REST!: sleep well

Rat God: good night, Midoriya-kun!

Cockatoo: good night kiddo
Cockatoo: I'm still crying

LittleListener: oh no!
LittleListener: I'm sorry
LittleListener: feel better!

LittleListener is offline

Nohands: ...
Nohands: if anything happened to him I would kill everyone in the room and then myself

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