•11• Fabric glue and China

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Dedicated to doodado for voting and adding this book to their reading list ❤️
~De-crowning The Kings~

~All Rights Reserved~

~© 2020 Shmittylove_~

"What did you get for question C?" Amy asks while spinning around in her spinny chair.

I sigh in boredom and flip two pages back to the answer. "I got 45° which equals an acute angle." I state in monotone.

Amy might have noticed my dull mood because she hops off her chair and jumps on her bed besides me.

"What's wrong El?"

I sigh closing my books.

"Am I a bad person?"

Amy looks taken aback by my question, "What? Off course you're not!"

"Well it doesn't feel like it. This whole Phoenix ordeal is just becoming ridiculous." I blab.

Amy listens then nods.

Oh speak great one.

"Remember at the end of last year when Mr Davidson, our homeroom teacher gave us that whole 'newadult, make good decisions, leave your stamp' speech?"

I nod yes, faintly remembering the day.

"Well that same day, we saw some eighth grader being teased because he was an Outcast. Right?"

I nod my head slowly taking in her words.

"Well, that was the day we promised each other that before we left Brantford, we would abolish the entire system. So that future kids didn't have to go through shit like we did - and we could leave our mark. Whether people noticed it or not. So no, you are not a bad person. As long as we don't hurt people or get overly cocky and pompous; then we are definitely not bad people."

I grin at her words and side hug her; sneakily grabbing a pillow from behind us and whacking her head before sprinting out of her room.


"So Derek. When do you plan on leaving home." Amy asks her brother mockingly.

Dereck - Amy's older brother finished highschool last year. She is constantly complaining about her brother's presence in the house, especially since he has no idea whether he is taking a gap year or not.

"Well..." Dereck replies enthusiastically, "I'm leaving in the next ten minutes; I'm waiting for a bud of mine to show up."

Amy groans in agony and shoves her brother to the side before storming off, whilst I watch her amused.

"So Derek." I begin, "Is that 'buddy' of yours really coming, or is that just an excuse you give to your family everytime they ask you where your friends are?"

Derek scoffs, "First off; my parents adore me to the core and second; I have many friends thank you. Some would say I'm still friends with my entire senior grade."

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