•16• Laughs and rural peasants

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~De-crowning The Kings~

~All Rights Reserved~

~© 2021 Shmittylove_~

Jake winks at me, acknowledging it.

I'm officially a Prece.

Me, the queen of baggier than Billie Eilish clothes, clothes.

"You know, very little people are actually able to get up the social ladder once they've passed tenth grade. You should be proud."

Wow. I actually did it.

I don't know whether it's something to celebrate about or not but still—wow.

I can't wait to tell Amy we are now on the third phase of our five phased plan.

"Hey Jake. Do you know where Phoenix lives?" I find myself asking.

"Off course I do. Any girl in particular asking for a visit?" He asks smugly hinting at something.

Well dream on pretty boy!

The day I do anything remotely romantic with that rat is in his dreams.

But then again, we are 'fake dating'.

"Well why wouldn't I want to see my boyfriend after hearing such lovely news." I say over ambitiously.

Jake clicks his tongue. "I knew there was something going on between the two of you. No wonder why he called you babe at my party."

He called me what?

Just nod your head like you remember Ellie. It's not your fault you were drunk.

"Just tell me where he lives and I'll walk there myself." I say stubbornly.

"Lookie here missy, I find it weird that you don't know where you boyfriend stays." Jake says smoothly.

He sure as hell knows where I stay.

"We have strict parents." I mutter.

Look, this is the best I could come up with.

Jake rolls his eyes and pats the passenger seat. "It's your lucky day today. That's exactly where I'm headed.

Should I agree or shouldn't I agree.

Either, Jake will kidnap me or...

He'll simply kidnap me.

"I won't kidnap you." Jake says smugly.

Shrugging my shoulders, I fiddle with the pins on my bag and get in the passenger seat. I put my tote bag by my feet and turn and face Jake—my face serious.

"You and your entire gang should stop with the mind reading thing. It's weird and creepy. Ever heard Cardi B sing about Invasion of Privacy?"

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