•13• Bad habits and risky dares

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~De-crowning The Kings~

~All Right Reserved~

~© 2021 Shmittylove_~

~© 2021 Shmittylove_~

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"What do you mean you need a place to crash for the week?" I question confused

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"What do you mean you need a place to crash for the week?" I question confused.

Totally wasn't seeing that.

"It fine, you don't have to help me." Phoenix snaps then turns around to leave.

"Wait." I say without thinking. What is wrong with me. "You can stay here tonight, and maybe tomorrow whilst my parents are gone. But I'm not too sure about Thursday and Friday." I offer, and strangely hope he'll take me up on my offer.

I see the corner of his mouth tug upwards which makes me want to smile too. Okay folks, there's definitely something wrong with me. I am most definitely broken now.

"I should stop making deals with you, love." I smile at the word love, he's back to his arrogant self.

"I know I say rinsing the syrup off my hair. "It's becoming a habit, and bad habits die hard."

With that, I shove him out of the bathroom and lock the door behind me. I strip out of my clothes, throw them into the laundry basket and take a quick shower.

After blow drying my hair, dressing and doing my night care routine; I skip back into my room all fresh and clean and flop onto my bed.

"You really behave like an eight year old, don't you?" Phoenix says leaning against my doorframe.

"And you behave like the eight year old's grandpa." I retort looking for something to to watch on Netflix.

Phoenix puts his hand in the air in surrender, "In my defence, you kinda remind me of my little sister, so your not that bad."

I place the back of my hand on my forehead and my free hand on my heart, "Oh Lord! What shall I do? My crush just told me I reminded him of is sister. Such blasphemy!"

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