I just want her here- chap 9

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(I just want to say that I cried writing this, I don't have any of you guys will cry but I just thought it was sad and sweet at the same time!)

Julies POV:

He nodded as I crawled over into the passenger seat. I was still intoxicated, I could barely keep myself up in his seat, he used his right arm as an extra seatbelt resting his hand on my thigh. The drive was silent but it was a comfortable silence, he kept his hand on my thigh the whole ride.

We got to our destination?

"Do you want to go alone or do you want me to keep you company?" He asked. "What the fuck is this some sick joke!" I yelled out chocking on tears, he looked at me confused. "No baby of course not! You asked to see your mom didn't you? Well here we are!" He said calmly, I broke down "take me to MY house!" I said rudely, he nodded as he pulled out and drove me to my childhood home.

When we got there i burst through the house screaming for my mom. Luke followed beside me holding me close to his chest since I couldn't walk properly straight. I notice pictures of dad and another woman kissing! I broke down i tears in the living room.

I heard the door open watching dad come through with his camera equipment, he dropped his stuff at the sight of me, "j..Julie what are you doing?" He asked a bit taken back by the fact I was about to lunge at him! "Oh don't do that... Who the hell is this woman in the photo... where is mom did you forget about her? Are you guys getting a divorce and you're not telling me, or are you having an affair" I said coldly and bitterly as Luke held me back from pouncing on him. He reminded me that Mom was dead, and he remind me of the event that happened at the get together. I was still raging, I ran up to my room and slammed the door locking it.

I heard Luke knocking on the door repeatedly asking me to unlock it so he can come and comfort me. I was starting to cave-in but then I looked around my empty room, there were boxes all over my room with some of my old stuff I found a box of pictures of mom and I. I slid down the wall crying holding the picture close to me.

"Mom, i'm not sure if you can hear me but I need you... I want you... I just want things to go back to normal, I was that horrible accident never happened, it was all my fault. You would be here with Carlos, Dad, and me if it was it was a stupid stupid accident. Why can I have been the one who had gone up and you stay down here!" At this point I was screaming crying holding off for him then I realize Luke barged his way into my room running over to me sitting down and pulling me onto his lap buried my head into his chest as he rocked back-and-forth slowly letting me know everything's gonna be OK. I ended up falling sleep in his arms to the exhaustion of stress, and just crying.

I woke up on the floor rapped up in Luke's arms protectively, I slowly but carefully prime them open Scotch away and left a kiss on his forehead before going to the closet and grabbing a blanket to toss over him. I head downstairs two for my dad sitting on the couch going through some old family photos, I set them aside him and begin to pick up the photos cherishing the moments we had together before everything went to hell. It was nice and quiet just sitting there looking at each other smiling but something didn't feel right. I quickly felt the sudden urge to puke, I rushed over to the guest bathroom and threw up my guts realizing I had a lot to drink last night.

My dad walked into the bathroom after I gave him the OK when I was done throwing up everything that was inside of me he handed me a red velvet box I opened it to find what it was called an "angel locket" I open the box to find a little paper I slowly opened it and read

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