Part 3~

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I was in my room painting the buttons Eats gave me when my walkie went off "guys, something big is going down" Davey said I put down my paintbrush and picked up the walkie "someone's going down on who?" Tommy asked

"no, I was right. You know those missing boys? It's a serial killer. My dad just got called in" Davey said I furred my eyebrows and turned on my tv and there it was the news story of the cape may slayer "oh my god, you're not kidding. It's on the new right now"

Curtis said "yeah, this is fucking crazy," I said "this afternoon the cape may chronicle received a letter from an individual calling themselves the Cape May Slayer. Claiming responsibility for the deaths of at least 7 teenaged boys 6 Teenage girls and two adults. The author also provided a list of names, dates, and pertinent details related to a number of open missing persons cases. We have confirmed the accuracy of these statements. I can now officially label this person as an active serial killer"

I switched the tv off and turned to my window and locked it there was a moment of silence when I expected something to jump at me "come to my house now!" I jumped and looked at my walkie "be there in a few" I said back and sighed

I put on my shoes before I jogged to Davey's house and when I went to open the door I was grabbed from behind I let out a scream and turned around to see woody Curtis and Tommy "I hope every single one of your dicks falls off, you butt munching pricks" I said holding my chest "geez. Language" Curtis said

I went to grab him but Tommy threw me over his shoulder "dammit! Put me down Tommy!" I said "I'm just gonna carry you to Davey's room," he said I huffed "I'm gonna punch all of you in the nuts," I said as we entered the house "hi, Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong," Tommy said "Tommy, Cole" I heard Mr. Armstrong said, "how are you doing Randle?" I asked "fine, Daveys upstairs"

Tommy walked all the way up the stairs and into Davey's room "can you put me down now?" I said "yes, but if you misbehave again I'm gonna have to spank you" I snicker

"Please do," I said as my feet hit the ground and I made eye contact with Tommy he had some type of amusement in his eyes "kidding, geez, kinky much," I said and sat down on the bed "I can't believe something like this could actually happen here! It could be anyone. This is the coolest thing that's ever happened to us" Davey said

"didn't they say he hunts kids our age? Should we cool it with the late-night manhunt?" Woody said "why? None of the missing kids are from Ipswich and Cape May is pretty frikkin big" Curtis said "it's not that big. What is it, nine towns?" Davey said "ten" "eleven" "shut up Cole"

"Guys, how are you not freaking out?" Davey asked "because they don't know the terrifying truth of male rape being as scary as female rape," I said "no, because there's no way it's gonna hit us. Or this neighborhood. Dude, look at this place" Tommy said gesturing to Daveys walls

"you're desperate for crazy shit to happen," Tommy said "there's a serial killer on the loose" Davey said "so? Richard Ramirez, Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gasey. All serial killers one from this very year. Who gives a shit" I said

"What else could possibly be this exciting?" Davey said, "incoming titties, 12:00!" We all turn to Curtis who was holding the binoculars up and looking into Nikki's window "holy shit!" Woody ran past Tommy and Davey to see

I felt my heart shatter as Tommy ran over shoving woody "move! Fatass" so he could see "pervs" I mumbled grabbing a flashlight and standing behind them "if I was over there right now she'd be pregnant" Tommy said making me scoff

"show some respect. Her parents are getting divorced" Davey said, "and that's the only reason they shouldn't?" I asked offended "statistically speaking, that means she's like, 78% more likely to engage in premarital sex," Curtis said "you guys are fucking gross," I said

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