Part 6-

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We were staking out Mackey while he was leaving for work in Woody's mom's car. Mackey drove by and we all ducked "get down, shit for brains!" We waited until the car drove by until we all sat up

"why do I have to be in the middle?" I asked because being smushed between Tommy and Faraday wasn't all too pleasant "woody, what are you doing? You're going to lose him. Go!" Davey said "Christ, I'm freaking out, ok?! My mom catches me, I'm dead shit!" He said

"woody, relax. You said she was sleeping off a 36-hour shift. She's gonna be out for hours" Curtis said "yeah, and you look like you're 30. It's gonna be fine. Now, go" Tommy said "hurry up"

We followed behind Mackey as he went to the hardware store. Davey and woody start to talk and I looked down at my hands and pick at my nails, I realized I should paint them soon I didn't look up until "you'll never guess who showed up on my door instead" Davey said

he paused as we all looked at him for an answer "Nikki" he said I snickered "no way" Woody said "there is a parallel universe with butt fucking Wookies where Nikki showed up at your house last night" Tommy said "I'm serious! She was- she was about to kiss me when my parents came home- guys, Mackey's coming out"

Mackey walked out of the store and Tommy's brother Kyle followed him out with a bunch of stuff "I spy with my little eye a douche bag" I said "we are pickup this convo later" Tommy said to Davey

We watch Kyle put dirt, a lot of dirt, in Mackey's car but also something else "is that a pickaxe?" Tommy asked "and a shovel," I said "holy shit that is a lot of dirt," Curtis said

"just like Kyle said," Tommy says "how many bodies do you think that would bury?" Davey asked none of us answered "we gotta keep following him" Davey said as Mackey finished loading things in his car "go"

We followed Mackey around trying not to seem obvious "you drive like my grandma, dude. We're gonna lose him" Tommy said, "shut it, Eats!" Woody wasn't paying attention and a car was coming ahead

"woody, look out!" I shouted he hit the breaks hard and I fell out of my seat "the hell, man?!" Curtis yelled, "get off the road, maniac!" "Quit yelling in my ear, Tommy!" "Great, we lost him"

"Frick this! Ok, I'm never doing this again. You guys are dicks!" Woody said "guys, relax. Let's just go home as fast as we can and hope that's where he's going, too" Woody pulled and started the route home

We sat in silence and listened to the radio until we heard sirens whine us "oh, shit. Fuck!" Woody said as he pulled over "it's a cop" faraday said, "Dude, is that Mackey?" Davey asked

"I'm so screwed" woods mumbled "shit Cole, put your seatbelt on," Curtis said "what?" I asked "put it on" he repeated "fine! Shut the fuck up" I said

We waited for the approach of the cop and Woody looked like he was 10 seconds away from crying while we all looked ahead with zero emotions and then a knock at the window, Woody rolled it down I see officer Cole, me and he had a few run-ins

"oh, shit, officer Cole" woody said "goddammit, Dale Woodworth, I thought that was you. Does your mother know you stole her car?" He asked "no! We, uh, we were just borrowing it. We ran out of snacks and she was asleep so I just-"

"What if it wasn't me that pulled you over? You could be in some real trouble" Officer Cole said "I know, I'm sorry. I won't do it again" Woody said

"you got me in quite a bind. I just can't busy you because then how am I gonna look your mother in the eye at church?" office Cole said "I know, I understand," Woody said

Officer Cole looked in the back seat "Mr. Eaton. What a surprise" Officer Cole said "Officer Cole. We meet again" Tommy said "Cole" "Cole" we exchanged

"look, guys, another kid has gone missing. Everybody up at town hall is in panic. They've been talking about canceling the Bay Festival. Get your asses home where it's safe and stay there" I scoffed at his words how does he know if my home is safe

"you got it" he asked "yes, sir. Yes. Straight home" Woody said "tell your father I say hi, Cole" was the last thing the officer said before walking back to his patrol car. The rest of the guys sighed in relief but I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest

"you ok?" Tommy whispered in my ear I nodded "he's a dick, just ignore him" Tommy whispered I sighed and leaned my head on his shoulder


My dad had decided to go out tonight and without disclosing too much information told me that he'd be getting a hotel with a lady for a few days. So this time I had Tommy over at my house

"there is one perk of my dad leaving for a few days, he doesn't remember how many bottles he took with him so I take whatever I want" I said opening the liquor cabinet "nice!" Tommy said he brought over a pizza for us to eat

"I got the light shit because I know you're a pussy" I said setting the bottle on the table before going to get plates "I am not" Tommy said in defense "yeah, whatever Mr 'let's leave together when we're 18'" I teased

"just pour the drinks" Tommy said "if you drink before you eat you'll get sloppy and that means I have to look after you, so eat and get hydrated first" I said, "how do you know that?" Tommy asked "experience"

We ate and then went up to my room "do you ever look through your dad's stuff?" Tommy asked out of the blue "no. He'd kill me" I said "he's not here," Tommy said

"no, Tommy. I'm not gonna invade my dad's privacy" I said, "why not?" Tommy asked "because that's disrespectful," I said, "and him beating you isn't?"

I didn't say anything for a few seconds "if you wanna look through my dad's stuff so anxiously be my fucking guest just leave me out of it" I said before walking into the bathroom

I waited a minute before I went back into my room and Tommy was gone I sighed and sat down on my bed and took out a book

Around ten minutes later Tommy came back "look what I found," he said and handed me something, they tag for like the army "'Carl B. Lagin'. Who's that?" Tommy asked "My grandfather on my mother's side..... why does my dad have these? My mom took all her stuff when she bailed" I said

"maybe she forgot them" Tommy suggested "something as important as her dad's tags, no way" I said "odd. Maybe she left them for you" Tommy said "maybe...."

"Guys! Shit, he switched cars!"

I walked over and grabbed my walkie "who cares? where's the dirt?" Curtis said "that's what I mean. He doesn't have it" Davey said "it must still be in his cruiser," Woody said "unless he stashed it someplace" Davey "we need to find out where and soon," I said

I paced my room a little thinking of two things. 1, why did my dad have my grandpa's tags. 2, where did Mackey stash the dirt

"Would you stop that?" Tommy said "um, yeah, sorry," I said and sat down on the floor "comfy?" Tommy asked, "shut up!" I said playfully "you're so weird" he mumbled "and you're tall," I said "thank you," he said I sighed and got and walked over to my window, I looked outside it and looked at Mackey's car

"you're really invested in this," he said "ok? Do something to take my mind off of things then" I said ".....wanna make out?...." I scoffed "in your wettest and wildest dreams, Tommy," I said "definitely"

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