Part 4-

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My dad had no memory of kicking me out of beating me and I had snuck in through the back door early in the morning so I didn't get in trouble again. Tommy told the guys what happened all of them called to check up on me and they gave me a few days to heal and then we decided to go to the library

"Oh, Davey... you're.... a really bad kisser.... what? I'm-I'm sorry, Nikki, I- what?" I snickered at Tommy's teasing "guys! Cut the shit! Unlike you idiots, Cole and I actually come here to study. So don't get us kicked out!" Curtis said, "Tommy can you go find me a copy of midsummer nights dream?" I asked

"only because you still got a bobo," he said and walked away "thank you," Curtis said "check it out" Davey showed us the paper "Cape May Slayer. Fifteen confirmed victims and still counting. So rad" Davey said "I don't get it. Why would the killer only write a letter now? After all this time?" Curtis asked

"he's been killing people and getting away with it for years. He's bored so he's raising the stakes. He wasn't counting on us" Davey said "he's sick" I mumbled they continued to look at old newspapers on the screen Curtis was moving extremely slow "Jesus, faraday, it's not like you're gonna break it!" Davey took the control from Curtis

We looked at the pictures of the people that were killed for a few minutes it was silent until a pair of boobs we showed in front of us "peek a boobs!" It was Tommy he laughed "get it?" He said and then slipped the porn magazine into his pants and covered it with his shirt before handing me my book to which I stuffed in my bag

"what the hell are you doing?" Curtis asked "free porn, bro," Tommy said, "you condone this behavior?" Curtis asked "yes, only because I know if there was porn made for girls I'd steal it too" I stood up and followed behind Tommy


I was listening to music on my radio and reading until I heard the doorbell ring, no one ever comes over. I leave my room and stop at the top of the stairs "can I help you?" My dad said "yeah, I was wondering if Cole was free to play manhunt" Tommy? "Cole?" My dad questioned

"oh- Colleen" Tommy said, "and who are you?" My dad asked "I'm Tommy, sir. My cousin is friends with Colleen and she wanted me to see if she could come out and maybe stay the night at her house" Tommy said I become confused "give me a second" I heard the door close "Colleen!" I jumped and ran down the stairs "yea?" I questioned

"your little friend wants you to a sleepover," he said "Oh? Well, can I?" I asked "I guess, but you better be back by the morning," he said and opened the door "she can go," my dad said "great! I'll wait for her out here, don't want a young lady walking along with a serial killer on the loose" Tommy said

"dah! That serial killer bullshit! She doesn't need an escort" my dad said and slammed the door In his face

"I'm gonna go pack my bag," I said and ran up the stairs. When I entered my room I was met with Tommy waiting at my window which I had locked "doofus" I mumbled and closed the door behind

I opened the window "lifesaver" I said "it took every ounce of pity In me to not punch him in the face" Tommy said climbing in "shhh!" I said "why was he so understanding and well dinky," Tommy said

"he hasn't started drinking yet, he has some paperwork he needs to finish," I said "ok, we'll pack your bag, bring everything you'll need for a night In the treehouse," Tommy said I smiled and nodded


After changing, leaving, and leaving my things at the treehouse then we started to walk around waiting for the other kids that play manhunt to come to the meeting place

"where the hell is Sammy? We need him or we don't have even numbers" Davey said "I don't know. We haven't heard from him in a few days," one of Sammy's friends said

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