Part 5~

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For the next 2 weeks or so we followed Mackey around and snooped into his daily schedule, we all had important input that contributed to the schedule

"he leaves his house every weekday at 8:24 with a gym bag. Contents unknown" Davey~

"He gets home from work at 6:25 with the same bag. Goes in through the garage and closes it behind him. He always closed it" Woody~

"His weekends are all over the place. No pattern. Except that he gardens. A lot. Acidity in the soul must be off though, plants look like shit" Curtis~

"He has dinner alone every night at 8:30 ish, then probably wanks it and cried himself to sleep. (Chuckle) loser" Tommy~~

"Actually, dumbass, no, because he goes on for a jog most nights at 11:00, for an hour or so. Where? I have no fucken clue, but that's something we need to find out" Cole~

"Now that we know his schedule, what do we do next?" Woody had asked
"We catch this fucker and become heroes"


We all met up in the treehouse I was trying to read but of course- "Faraday, you're retarded. You think a bunch of glorified Care Bears in hoods could take down the empire?" Tommy said "they are aliens and highly intelligent! I mean, did you see how fast that one learned how to drive a speeder bike, and then ditch it without even being spotted?" Curtis said

"whatever, dude. They're bears. Now if it was gremlins, I'd buy it maybe" Tommy said "who the fuck cares? Malibu Barbie could kick the empire's ass" I said "I still haven't gotten to see gremlins...." Davey said "hey, maybe you should take Nikki. She can find out what happens if she gets your mogwai wet" Curtis said

"Faraday, stick to shit that could actually happen. Like me fathering a sibling for woody" I snickered "dude I told you to stop talking about my mom" Woody said "would you rather I act it out? But since she isn't here I'd have to use Cole for an example-"

I dropped my book as my headshot up "no, I'd rather you just not talk about anything-" voices overlapping each other until "shit, Mackey's back!" We stood up and walked over to the window

It was a little far to see but he was obviously taking his trash cans to the curb, we watched in silence as Mackey left the trash cans looked around and went back inside "let's break into his garage" Tommy said, "yeah and while we're at it why don't I fuck Farady?" I said sarcastically "what?!" "What?!"


"He's a cop. We can't break in" woody said "hey guys. Look, at eleven he's gonna go for a run. Trust me, I have a plan" Davey "grey now what are we gonna do about my alcoholic father" I asked

"say your friend wants you to sleep over again" Tommy said "I'd have catch him before he starts drinking, which is..." I looked at my watch "in 30 minutes!" I ran out the treehouse and all the way to my house


After watching Mackey leave we walked onto his property "guys" Davey said catching our attention "what the hell are we doing?" Curtis asked because Davey was at the trash cans "his fucking trash?" Tommy questioned "you're joking, right," I said

"what? There could be evidence In here. Fingers or bloody rags or something. If we find anything, we got him" Davey said, "he's a fucking cop, do you think he'd hide evidence in the trash?" I asked "yes," Davey said

"do you know me at all? I'm not digging through trash" Curtis said "we're gonna get into a lot of trouble if we dig through this on the street" Woody said "look, I e had to clean up my driveway three times in the last two weeks because of raccoons. That's all anyone's gonna thinks" Davey said

"yeah, I'm a girl, so not gonna happen" I said "if I find a used condom in there I'm gonna be so jealous" Tommy said "he's a serial killer, he doesn't get any- wait never mind some serial killers are attractive" I said "what?!" "Shhhhh!"

They dug through the trash with Curtis whining about aids and came up with nothing "nothing. Maybe he doesn't do the killings here" Davey said "he could have, uh, like a lair or something, somewhere" woody said I scoffed

"yeah, Mackey's hunkered down in the fucking bat cave, real smart woody" I said "geez, you don't have to be so mean" woody said "it's cold and I'm tired" I said "you know, we could always go through his mail" Curtis said

"cause that's not illegal" I mumbled Curtis opened the mailbox "for instance...." he trailed before holding up a porn magazine

Tommy stood up quickly "ask and you shall receive," he said and then took the magazine, since he was standing next to me I could smell the trash that followed him "Faradays right we could check his mail every day and he won't suspect a thing. See what bills he's getting, people sending him stuff" Davey said

"I'll take care of that responsibility," Tommy said "and when he forgets, I'll do it," I said "guys it's after midnight, we should get out of here before Mackey gets back," Faraday said, "try again tomorrow?" Davey asked "night one, no luck," faraday says,

"says you," Tommy said patting his stomach "my feet hurt, carry me?" I asked Tommy "sure" I jumped on his back and we went back to the treehouse

"Tommy, I'm gonna be honest with you. Your clothes stink" I said with a chuckle "yeah? I'll change" he said and took off his shirt, I sucked in a breath when I saw his body, he was thin and muscular with a six-pack starting to form and his v-line showing.

I looked down at my lap for a few seconds I heard his belt unbuckle and then his pants unzip. I waited another few seconds and looked back up I saw him put on a muscle shirt and looked back down as he was about to turn around "done" he said

He sat down in front of me and handed me a piece of paper "what's this?" I asked and unfolded it. it was a handwritten contract

"you told me that you wanted to leave when you turned 18, well my life isn't gonna turn into sunshine and rainbows in the next few years, this is a contract that says the minute you turn 18 me and you will pack up all our shit and get the fuck out here" Tommy said I smiled and laughed

"just like that?" I asked "exactly like that, we both get our license soon and I'm gonna get a job and you already have one we could save up our money and get a car and then move after graduation" I was interested

"oh my god! You're serious?" I asked "dead serious," he said I smiled "I-.... wow, Tommy. You're would really leave our friends for me?" I asked "you know Davey and Faraday are gonna go to some nice college and woody will get a job they'll be too busy with their lives to care what we do" Tommy said there was a small silence

"I'm in" I said "yeah?" "Yeah"

We bother signed the paper and then Tommy hung it on the wall of the treehouse "you, Tommy Eaton, are my knight in shining armor"

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