Part 8-

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"Colleen! Come here!"

I ran down the stairs "yes, dad?" I said innocently "why's the toilet seat in the downstairs bathroom up?" He asked I immediately panic inside I hadn't used the downstairs toilet, Tommy did "I don't know" I said

"I'm pretty sure I left the toilet seat down before I left. Did you have any guys over my house?" He asked I could hear the fury in his voice

I had to think quick why would the toilet seat be up "actually, I totally spaced, I was cleaning the toilet and left the seat after I cleaned, you know I think the bleach has been messing with me I should start wearing a mask when I use it" I said trying to make it sound as believable as possible

"yeah, that's what caused my mother's Alzheimer's" he said my eyes go wide "wear a mask next time dipshit" he said "sorry. Um.... is it ok if I play manhunt tonight?" I said "only if you clean the kitchen," he said "ok" I sighed and went back to my room and grabbed my walkie "Tommy?" I said

"yeah?" He answered "next time you spend the night at my place put the goddam toilet seat down, I almost got my ass beat," I said "shit, sorry," he said, "I told you guys they were hooking up!" Curtis' voice came through

"we literally ate pizza and watched tv, you fucking cretin" I said "sure you did" I rolled my eyes at his statement "fuck off, Faraday" Tommy said I caught myself smiling at the way he stuck up for me

"Hey, guys. What time are we playing manhunt tonight? I got an idea"


After Cleaning the kitchen my dad let me go out to play manhunt so I met up with the guys. "Alright. Here's the plan" Davey said and pulled out an old GI Joe walkie talkie "no way. You still have those?" Faraday asked

"while you guys are spying we're gonna plant one of these outside Mackey's bedroom window. We can use the other one to listen" Davey said "audio surveillance. Smart" Faraday said, "let's just not get caught, ok?" Woody said "I agree," I said

"if Mackey spots you just act like it's part of the game. Now we probably have like two minutes until those little shits are up our asses with flashlights so let's be quick, ok?" Davey said

"Faraday, Cole, Eats, you guys take the back yard. Me and Woody will plant the walkie-" we all put our hands in "-operation manhunt starts now. Let's go"

We ran in the direction of Mackey's house when we got there, me and Tommy and Curtis went around back. Curtis stood behind a bush by a different window and me and Tommy crouched next to a different window.

Faraday gave us a thumbs up and Tommy returned it, Curtis looked at me for reassurance so I flipped him making him roll his eyes and look away also making Tommy snicker

"who's got eyes on him?" Davey asked through a walkie "I got him. He's in the living room. Over" Curtis said after a few moments of silence Tommy spoke quietly "your dad let you come out like that?" He asked

"no. I changed my shirt in a bush after I left" I said "wish I could've seen that" he mumbled "maybe one day you will if you're a good boy" I said seductively

Suddenly Mackey walked over by our window so we ducked a little more "holy shit guys, he wearing rubber gloves and he got a bucket of cleaning shit" Tommy said "I recognize the brand, that bleach it can blood out of stuff" I said "what?"

"Faraday, he's coming your way" Tommy warned, "what in the bucket?" Davey asked "it looks like bleach, a scrubbing brush, and I can't tell what the rest is.... holy shit! He's got blood on him!" Curtis said I gasped slightly

"what? Are you sure?" Davey asked "I don't know. It could be paint it's on his shirt. Shit. He went to the basement" Curtis then went around the side of the house "where's he going?" I asked "this shit is too good to be true," Tommy said to me "well it might be, Tommy. You never know" I mumbled

"all the basement windows are painted over. Mackey's M I A" Curtis said, "who's watching the basement door?" Davey asked "Faraday was supposed to be," I said we waited a few seconds before "Mackey saw me, get out of there"

Me and Tommy snuck out from behind the house and made our way back to his house "I'm gonna turn in, want me to walk you home?" Tommy asked

"no, it's fine. Be careful, I'll leave my window unlocked if your folks start fighting again" I said "ok, and if your dad does anything just come over and stay in the treehouse" he said I nodded "night, Tommy" I kissed his cheek and started my way home

Deadly Summer // Tommy Eaton Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora