chapter 13: the darkness of happiness.

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I've always found it strange how humans are really just unable to be happy for each other,the one wants to be better than the other person,while the others are all just living life and are trying just to get by while others are ambitious and proud,these people want all the gold in the world.I sometimes look back and my younger and more vulnerable years and think that the child I once was,would look at the person I have become with utter disgust and disgrace.

I'm sure at some point we all heard the saying,"life happens" but I surprisingly don't believe that,I don't believe life happens to anyone,I do however believe that humans happen,and the human nature to change all that is different and destroy all that is innocent..The older we get the more we realize that life itself is pure and has no fault,however the fault is within our un pure hearts,our desire and drive to have more and more and how we can never be truly satisfied with what we have simply because there is someone out there who has more than us.

Today I was having a conversation with my friend,and we were talking about how sometimes people do things for you,without expecting you to give them anything or pay them back in anyway,but because were so used to owing people and being indebted to someone for every little thing which they do for us,we get so confused when someone does something for us and not expect us to pay them in any way.We celebrate it and we have so much happiness just by the person showing us kidness when we needed it the most,but that's not how life is suppose to be,nowadays we rarely meet people who can even smile when greeting because they are simply too important to even show respect to each other.We have so much money in our bank accounts and they stay there for months,even years,but instead of givng it to charity,or using it for a worthy reason,we leave it in the bank to gain more riches,and that's the point of the world we live in today,you have more,but somehow you need more of everything that you can get your hands on.

The reason for all of this is simply that humans don't want to be "less" of a person than the next person,we dont see life as a gift and we dont look at each other and see humans but we see social standars as well as levels. The main priority in our lives is being better than everyone else at just about everything.

Were all like wolves trying to find a love that does not even belong to us,we go around frowning at everyone who finds love in places where we didn't,the power that money brings,blinds us into believing that were actually happy when in actual fact were all just empty people living simply because were not dead and were too afraid to kill ourselves.




Oh how corrupt our minds have become, how we have shifted from the children we once were into power hungry monsters that will do anything for money even sell our souls to the devil

Oh how our ancestors would cry if they would see what's happening in their country now

Oh how my Lord would tremble if he would see how dark his childrens hearts have become

How wicked we are,how unhappy we are

I can't say I'm ever surprised at how we think money is happiness,but we seem to forget that if your truly happy then you will be happy,regardless of how much you have in your bank account  and the happiest people in life are those who can be flat broke and have a smile on their face.

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