Chapter 6: Healing

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Being aware not only means being able to identify what is going on around us,but it also means that we are being able to be aware of how those things that happen around us affect us and how we respond to them. It is fairly easy for us to see what is happening,but what we need to do more than seeing is being able to identify our responses to these things, it is for this very reason that it is so important for us to check on ourselves.

I was told once that it is how we respond to things that best tells us what it is that we need to heal from, til this day there is still truth in this statement and it remains important that we heal from the bad experiences that we have had in the past.

When we allow our past experiences and patterns to determine our responses to the things that we experience in the present we allow ourselves to make and repeat the same mistakes that we made in the past, and this in fact does not allow us to grow as individuals as this takes us back to yesterday and we continue with the same toxic patterns and traits that we had initially been trying to get rid of.

Healing definitely does not mean forgetting the things that have happened to us and pretending like the things that have hurt us in the past have not had an impact in shaping the people that we are in the present, but it does however mean that we allow the wound to receive air and to heal.We allow the process of healing  when we allow ourselves just a moment, or whatever amount of time we may need at that very moment to experience the pain,but to always remember that this is not where our happiness will come from, or where our growth lies, but it is merely a process that we allow ourselves to go though so that we may progress.

We have made it healthy to not experience pain, to pretend like we are unaffected by the things that bring us hurt, but when we truly think about it and look at the affects that not dealing with hurt and pain often have then we are able to see that when we do not deal with hurt,disappointment and anger, it often becomes a stumbling block to our growth as humans. When we do not deal with the disappointments of the past, we often struggle to let things go, not because we are petty humans,but because all similar experiences to what we did not heal from are a trigger, and so the anger starts again and we are once again in that space that we have been trying so hard to move away from.

It is important to understand that healing is not something that we only do for those around us so that they do not experience pain or that they do not get crucified for things that other people have done to us in the past, but healing is something that we need to do for ourselves, we need to heal from the pain and bad experiences so that we can be at peace with ourselves.

Often we blame others for their mistakes, yet we are the ones that continue to feel the affects of those mistakes on a daily basis because we do not allow ourselves to feel the hurt, pain and disappointment's then let them go again, and this is another reason why it is so important that we allow healing to take place, there is already so many problems in the world and in our lives as a whole that it only becomes a further burden to stay angry and to stay disappointed because of what people have done to us in the past, we need to let go and allow a way for new experiences and happier experiences.

Let us free ourselves from all that has happened to us in the past and all that is holding us back from experiencing life at its fullest,not because we owe it to those who are responsible for our pain,but because we owe it to ourselves and because peace is what we deserve.

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