chapter 12:

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Sometimes its too late.

Sometimes in life we meet people that are weaker then us,and we look down on them simply because we believe we are superior,the issue with the world that we live in is that we are self-centered,yes,indeed it is true that you can't help the whole world or save it but it is also true that some people don't want to be helped.

As much as even I wish I had something different to tell you,I don't,the fact is you can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped,nor can you force them to take your advice and do as you say,as a wise man once said,advice is what you give someone,trying to convince them to do what you want,is no longer advice but it is forcing them. People who only see today but don't see tomorrow will always simply be just that present day lovers,those kind of people simply live to enjoy the world as it is today,and pay no attention to their tomorrow nor do they care about what will happen tomorrow,and that is where the problem starts,we are made to believe that it is never too late to the point where we think that it is ok to waste our entire lives on unimportant things,because like they say,it is never too late right? But here's the thing,sometimes it is too late,trying to explain that is not easy,but those with ambition will understand it clearly.

wasting time,and thinking that you will have enough time to do it tomorrow is a flawed way of thinking,because like they say,the tide waits for no man,and indeed it doesn't,do what you have to do now,and finish with it before you don't have enough time to do it,or there's is something that you need to do tomorrow,and that is where survival comes in,people who waste time,are usually weak,and the reason why these people are weak is simple,it is because they are afraid of loosing or not doing something right,so instead they do it in a rush because "they work better under pressure" and yes maybe what you were doing under pressure still turns out ok,but its not perfect,maybe it would have been perfect if you would have done it in the given time.

However,people who are strong are not afraid to loose,they are not afraid to take chances,now listen to this analysis,student A,is not "smart",but she is a hard worker,Student B however,is naturally "smart" and is not as hard working as student A,student C however,is not smart nor is he a hard worker,in general this is how their paths would turn out,student A may not get the best marks,however student A will get what she wants in life because she has ambition,and knows exactly what she wants,regardless of what may come her way,Student B,may get the highest marks,but because she is not used to working hard,she will struggle her entire life to get her feet off the ground,as for Student C,well let's just say his life ends after school and he is basically unable to even get a decent job.

That's a generalization of the different students,and how their lives are likely to turn out,see what those students didn't have in common,is that only one out of the 3 was a hard worker,and although you may be smart or even rich,that does not mean that you will be able to have a stable life after school,and this is why I say sometimes it is too late,and that's something people need to understand,without hard work and determination,you are nothing but a person with a dream,you can't think you will become a scientist if you struggle to even open your books to study,and its as simple as that.

People with no ambition or don't even have the ability to differentiate between what's important and what isn't important are weak,and helping them can only work if they are willing,if you think about it,we are told everyday what is important and what isn't important,we are told by our peers and our parents,but do they listen? No,so what in the world could possibly change their mind,there is only so much that you can do to save someone,some people are destined for greatness just like student B,however because of no ambition,they are left to suffer as they live,and nobody wants that,but if you don't learn what's important and what isn't then it will be you.

You can call it negativity and you can call it crushing someone"s dreams,but you could also look and realize that its nothing but a reality check,and its truly that simple.

Just yesterday I posted something on twitter saying "your 35 and your still saying you need to get your shit straight,just sit down and wait for jesus to come fetch you" now you may read that and think its a bit extreme,but if you think about it,the only reason why you would think that is because your under the impression that a 35 year old is somewhat "young" but they aren't,the dying age at the current moment is 75,now the truth is,at 35,most people have jobs,a family and have already settled down in life,it takes about 30 years to actually achieve that,so now explain how a 35 year old is planning to do all that before they are 75? A reality check I know,and yes not everyone dies at 75,I should know because my great grandmother is 110 years old,but not everyone is that blessed and that's what people need to learn,you need to realize that tomorrow is not guaranteed to be yours,and if you don't learn to appreciate the time that you have now,then maybe you never will,and by the time you realize how important doing everything you have to do,then you will be 35 when you do.

Do what you need to do,be brave,wasting time is not a chance you should take,do what you have to do now before its too late.

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