chapter 4: Pushing the limits.

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Whenever we tell ourselves that we are unable to do something or to achieve something, whether or not what we have told ourselves is true or not starts to not matter.More often than not the things that we believe we are unable to achieve are based on things that we have told ourselves, sure there are always voices from society at large telling us that we will not amount to anything, and always trying to convince us that we, as we are, are enough, but the loudest voice that we hear is the one that is within us, it is this voice that we need to focus on and ensure that it is always speaking life and great things into  existence and into our lives.

The thing about limits, is really that it stops us from becoming the best versions of ourselves and becoming everything that we wish we can become, it is for this reason that it is so important that we learn to put our limits to the test. We have to truly see whether or not the limits that we have set for ourselves truly are a determination of what we can achieve.

Limits that we set for ourselves really are no different from doubts, we are unsure about our abilities, so we tell ourselves that what we have now or what we have achieved now is truly the greatest thing that we can have, and anything beyond that is impossible. When we tell ourselves this then we start becoming comfortable with being ordinary. Not a single one of us on this earth can not be exceptional and achieve all the goals that they want to achieve, by our very nature we are great, so why  is it that we settle for being mediocre?

Most of us never get to where we want to be in life because we are always settling and never pushing the limits, now what is dangerous about settling and never pushing the limits is that we never become better than what we are now , surely the only way that one can become the greatest version of themselves is through them constantly challenging themselves, when we do not challenge ourselves,then honestly anything goes,even if it goes south, it will go.

I have come to realize in life, that there will always be a better way, a better strategy, and I am not saying that even when you are truly satisfied with what you have in life and where you are in life, you must go out and look for something better,what I am saying however is that even in your lane and in your life, there is room for improvement. Improvement not only should happen where our academics or work is involved, but it should also happen to the relationships that we have with other people and it should happen to the lives that we live.

The only limits that exit are the limits that we have set for ourselves and the ones that have been put before us because of circumstance, but even those limits can be overcome and even those limits can become a distant memory. When we set our minds to something, there is not a single thing that we can not achieve.

Let us be the best version of ourselves that we can be, let us not allow other people to tell us that we are not enough or even that we can not achieve the goals that we want to achieve or even become the people that we hope to become.More importantly, let us not be our own worst enemies, and convince ourselves that we are not enough or that we will never amount to anything.

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