chapter 15 : the whisper

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A million voices scream and tell you that your absolutely useless,that you have no purpose,no hope,no future,no beauty,no talent and even no life,but with this we need to learn to sit in a place where there is an overwhelming amount of noise but still hear a whisper,that tells you that you can do it,and one that tells you that you are strong,stronger than anyone else,more beautiful than anyone else and you have the brightest future in this world.

Yes,I do agree,that all of this may seem to be a bit far fetched however its not,hearing the whisper really just comes to you when your able to sit,and reflect on certain things on your own without other peoples opinions ,its all about you having the ability to know your worth,and yes it really isn't easy and you may sometimes appear to have a huge head because of this but it is important to know your worth and never sell yourself short because of what other people say to you.

You might be reading this book and think,"oh this girl keeps giving us all this advice but doesn't tell us how to change" but that's not what I'm here for,matter of fact half the things I write here,are things that I also need to master,but I can't tell you how to change,that's a journey which we all have to take on our own,without company,we have to take the toughest journeys alone because it gives us an opportunity to look back,reflect and find ourselves in this process.

Its weird right? How no answer will ever be good enough when you need advice sometimes,like you'll basically go around asking different people,the same question and each time,the answer you get doesn't satisfy you in any way whatsoever,you know why? Its simple,its because you generally know the answer to the question but you were hoping that someone,will just agree with you,that's what you call a whisper,that inner voice that generally tells you what you should do but you choose to ignore it because "ugh let me ask my friend".

I can't begin to explain how important it is that people start learning to make their own decisions without discussing it with every other person in their lives,one needs to learn to hear their inner voice,one needs to learn how to be free from social pressures,free from bad company and even if they are around bad company they need to learn how to not let it corrupt them and learn how there are certain things in life that no one can teach you,like how to love or how to survive high school.

Where there is unrest,we all have to learn to create a sense of peace and rest within ourselves,we need to learn to ride it all out,we need to lean how to stay strong regardless of what may come our way,we need to build our confidence and self worth to the point whereby we can tell ourselves that "I can do it" even when there's a million other people that keep saying "you can't do it" because when you know your worth,all those screams are simply water off a ducks back and you will hear that whisper that will always motivate and push you into being a better person.

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