chapter 16: locked doors

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in this chapter I’d really like to approach the issue of fear and the mentality which we as humans tend to have towards doing things that seem impossible and that seem to the beyond ourselves, we actually have the mentality that we are weak and that alone results in us not reaching our full potentials because firstly we don’t trust and believe in our own strengths and secondly we believe that we aren’t good or strong enough to overcome the challenges that life throws at us.

I will die before I let the world break me down and stand in the way of my future, even if I fall, then I will pick myself up and move on, but not everyone has such a mentality and that’s how locked doors stand in the way of people who want to reach their full potential.

One cannot go to the other side or reach their full potential unless they open the door, but in order to do that ,one needs to understand why in life we are faced with locked doors or rather challenges and hardships.. A locked door represents the fear of not knowing if you will be able to overcome something because today seemed to be the day where all your strength to move on was exhausted.

Many times in life we are faced by challenges, regardless of it being caused by our peers who sometimes seem to influence us in a negative way or the unbearable situations that we have to adhere to at home, let one not be a prisoner of their own hearts,let one be strong enough to know that after the rain, the rainbow comes.

It is important to understand that one has to free themselves, from bad thoughts about themselves and everything that happens in their lives. It is important to understand that we have to free ourselves from our weaknesses, this however is not easy for along the way things happen in life and we simply are unable to understand why we go through hardships, but we seem to fail to understand is that before being free, one has to fight and struggle and like a diamond which was once just another rock, we have to be hit and hammered by the things of life, before we can shine.

The road to success is not easy and sometimes when your eyes are red because they have been bleeding tears the whole night, you simply have to close your eyes and tell yourself that what has not killed you yet will never kill you but will only make you stronger.

A lock and hardships are simply elements of life and if there is a lock then clearly there is a key, the only masters of our destiny are our

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