Chapter 8: The drive

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⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️ : cussing and toxicity

Current favorite song: mad hatter by Melanie Martinez

Blair's POV:

Turns out Dr.Kelly zara lives in ohio which is a 6 hour drive from toronto. hearing this news made me want to scream. 6 hours in a van with my siblings? We can barely stay in the same room for 3 minutes. So we decided to split up. Diego, klaus, and luther would find out some more about the people who attack us, while five, allision, and me would go to find this woman.

I stared at the clock in front of me watching time tick by minute by minute, second by second. So far it had only been two hours. After 15 minutes of small talk with allision it had dropped into a awkward and deafening silence.

I sat in the front of the van next to five whos gaze was unwavering at the road. Allison sat in the back staring at the ceiling with an expression that made me believe she also felt like jumping out of the car.

Earlier I had read through kellys files to find she was around 47 with no family. She had short brown hair with dark chocolate brown eyes that made me almost hungry. I couldn't help but wonder her story. Was she lonely? Was she happy? Why did she become a doctor? Was she like us?

"Blair can you stop tapping your fingers again, it's driving me crazy" Five shouted which made me compartment these thoughts. He finally moved his gaze from the road staring at me for a quick moment instead. I simply rolled my eyes.

"Does everything I do annoy you?" I asked knowing that it was more of a statement then a question. "Pretty much so could you be silent for once in your fucking life" five reply hatred almost dripping from his tongue.

I opened my mouth to retort, but I heard allison sigh from the back, clearly the silence was better than our constant petty fights. "What was life like in new york Blair?" I hear her ask in an attempt to change the subject. My eyes slightly widen at the question in surprise. My life in new york was something I liked to keep a secret.

It was the one thing I had accomplished on my own, without using powers or the umbrella academy. I held it close like it was my own little safe house I could escape where I could be more than just blair hargreeves, the girl who can move things with her mind.

This is why it took me so long to answer her question. There was just certain parts of that life I wanted to keep being just mine.

"Its good. I work as a journalist at the "New York Times" and I have a nice apartment that has a beautiful view of the city. Of course it has its struggles like the weather and the price, but in the end it's worth it." I finally finish my rant giving allison a small smile. Five is smirking that dam smirk next to me like he won the fucking lottery. "Did I say something funny?" I ask giving him an intense glare.

His dark brown hair was flopping up and down from the wind that kept making me shiver. HIs smirk slightly drops eyes softening. I felt like I could fall into the brown pools that ran so deep with anger.

"I have a jacket in the back, allison grab it will you" five demands his face turning back to its normal cold expression. I couldn't help but wish i had been blessed with the power to read minds. Then I could see what he thought every time he looked at me like that.

Like for a second we were just a boy and a girl who cared for each other, but that was ridiculously because we don't. we hate each other. Every fiber of my being despises him. His sarcasm, his smirk, and worst of all those dam chocolate eyes that depicted perfection. I feel fabric hitting em straight in the face making me flinch.

I grab it with my hands to see it is one of five old umbrella academy blazers that looks a couple sizes to big for me. "Stop shivering like were in a snow storm because i'm not rolling up the windows" five explains in aggressive tone. I smile putting on the jacket that sleeves reach passed my wrists. It smelled like black coffee and light cologne. His smell, great.

"Wow, the five hargreeves just did something nice for me?" I say n a mocking tone. I see Allison's smile in the corner of my eye her brown pupils staring at us. "whatever, can't you just say thank you" five grumbles next to me almost glaring. My smile reaches further knowing it bothers him. "Thank you five" I say in a monotone without a trace of mocking or hatred.

"Your welcome" he answers while tapping his hands slowly against the steering wheel. Those same hands that had me pinned to the wall that day, the hands that held my bra strap only this morning.

Things have always been easy for me. I have few friends in new york and sure I dated a couple boys, but nothing serious. No one ever treated me the way five treats me. One moment we hate each other and the next its like we care.

Its a constant battle and I cant help but wonder who will win the war. Are we fighting against each other or ourselves? I look at the clock to see we still have 4 hours left. The rest of the car ride goes on like this.

Allison my sweet and irrelevantly unclose sister asking me questions trying to fill the silence. Five staring at the road sometimes a smile coming to his lips while the wind brushes his hair perfectly over his forehead. Me answering the questions holding the jacket close to me. A reminder things could be different.

Eventually we come to a stop in front of a one story tiny plain house. I rock forward from the abrupt stop looking at the adress on the house that matches the one in the file. "This is it" I say looking ahead with a grown. Guess its time to play fucking hero again.
Again this is just a filler chapter so I'm sorry if it's a little boring, but the little scenes are what can add some spice.
-the author

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