Chapter 9: betrayl

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⚠️ TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ : Cursing, trauma, and violence.

My new favorite song: Kiss me more by Doja Cat

Narrators POV:

Blair's hand began slowly tapping against her leg unknowingly as her nerves took over. She could feel her brain going into overdrive thinking of the millions of scenarios that might happen.

The lady could have no information or maybe have knowledge of something blair wasn't ready to accept. Either way she kept walking, one foot in front of the other.

Allison walked in front of both blair and five because she looked the oldest. Although in that moment she didn't feel old. She felt like a 3 year old ready to hide under blankets because of a silly thunderstorm. When she finally reached the bright red door she paused her breath hitching. There was still time to leave and never come back.

Five stepped in front of her resisting the urge to roll his eyes. He was sure if he rolled them as often as he did around his siblings eventually they would get stuck.

"If its really that hard to knock on a fucking door i'll do it for you" five mumbled hitting his knuckles lightly against the door. They heard footsteps shuffle as blair muttered "Is fuck your favorite word? You seem to say it every 5 minutes" in an attempt to calm herself.

Five shrugged turning his head to show her his smirk "No, but it would be if you said it more often". Blair's eyes widen in surprise, her hands finally coming to a stop at her sides.

She attempted to answer with some remark, but when she opened her mouth to speak the door creaked up. Blair thanked whatever gods were listening for the timing because she did not in fact have a witty comeback.

The woman that could only be Dr.Kelly stood in the doorway. She wore a nice light blue pair of mom jeans with a old looking bleach stained AC/DC shirt. Her hair was slightly curled at the tips that reached just below her shoulders.

"Um excuse, who are you" the woman asked her brows furrowing together in confusion. Allison stepped forward showing her rows of perfectly white teeth.

"Hi, my name is Alison Hargreeves and I was wondering if I could speak to Dr.Kelly. She has some information I believe that could save many lives" she confidently spoke.

Dr.kelly stared at us suspiously for a few moments. "Hargreeves? I've heard that last name some where" she ponders eyeing the three siblings up and down. Of course she had heard their last name. Who didn't?

"We're part of the umbrella academy" Blair pipes up sliding to stand next to five. Something flickers just behind the eyes of the woman, but to there unfortunance the siblings miss it. She gives them a warm smile that doesn't meet her eyes. A smile that could be compared to a snake just before it squeezes the life out of you.

"Anything for you superhero's I guess" she mumbled using her hand to gesture they come inside. Her house was much bigger then it looked from the outside. She had a wide staircase with two books shelf's on each side that had small flowers carved into them.

A chandler hung right upon the ceiling with what slowly reflected rainbow light around the house. "Wow" Blair whispers in admiration unable to take her eyes off many books Dr.Kelly owned.

She felt something tug harshly at the sleeve of her black long sleeve shirt. "Come on Blair, we don't have time for this" five demands pulling her into an even bigger living room. Kelly sat on a white leather couch that looked like it would squeak every time she moved, while Allison sat on a light blue fuzzy couch.

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