Not An Update

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Hello everyone,

As you probably have noticed I haven't updated in almost 3 months and I am so sorry. Honestly I don't really have an excuse but I guess I can say it don't really have time to come on wattpad anymore. I know that's stupid but the thing is I think I just needed a bit of a break.

If any of you were wondering I'm alright. Me and my family are healthy and happy, so that's not my reason why I haven't been on.

There's not really a way to explain how sorry I am for not updating. I felt like I let a lot of you down and also I let my self down.

I was completely committed to finish Cover Up and The Fakers, but I don't think that's going to happen any time soon.

So, I'm not giving up on these fan fictions I'm just taking a break. This isn't a goodbye, because I will come back sometime, I just don't know when. I understand that I will lose a lot of readers from this, and I'm really sorry I let a lot of you down.

If you have any questions please inbox me, I'll be happy to talk to any of you.

Thank you all for your support.

I'll be back soon.


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