Chapter Three

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May 5th


3:09 pm

The bell rang and she quickly got out of class. The day was finally over.

"Hey Olivia! Hami, Wait up!" She heard someone yell. She saw Louis in the crowd as he pushed threw it.

"Man you walk fast." He said breathless.

She just laughed at him.

"So you want me to give you a ride home?" He asked.

"Uh who's gonna be in the car?" She said opening her locker.

"Just me and Molly." He said.

"Then no thanks." She sighed.

Molly was Louis' sister who was a grade behind them. Olivia and Molly used to be best friends, but something happened that ended their friendship several months ago.

"C'mon, that was like a year ago." He said.

"Yeah I know, Louis. I would come if I could. But I don't want to sit there with her glaring at me the whole time." She slammed her locker shut and put her book bag over her shoulder.

"Louis C'mon. I got so much homework." Molly grabbed his arm and didn't mind looking at Olivia.

"I'll call you!" Louis yelled.

Olivia just turned her back and started walking out the doors.

She walked behind the school and on the trail that leads to her house.

She noticed a tall boy walking ahead of her. She quickened her pace to see who it was. Once she got closer, she realized it was the boy she had met today.

"Hey Marcel." She said.

"Oh hey." He smiled, showing of his dimples.

Olivia had to admit, Marcel seemed pretty cute. There was just something about him.

"So the trail leads to you're house too?" She asked him.

"Well, halfway. I cut through the trees, then I reach my house." He said.

"Really? That must be a hike." She said.

He shrugged. "Yeah, I don't live very close to school." He said.

"Do you have a car that you could drive to school?" She asked.

"Um yeah, but today was nice out so I decided to walk. Besides, I don't plan on driving anymore." He said.

"Why not?" She asked.

"Because you take this trail also." He smiled.

She blushed at his comment.

"So, uh. What was Mr. Jackson talking to you about earlier?" He asked.

"Just some shit about how I need someone to help me." She paused. "Do you think I need help from someone? Like to get over my brothers passing."

He shrugged his shoulders.

"Sometimes you have to be your own hero."

She nodded at his response.

"So for tomorrow, do you want to come to my house or for me to go to yours?" She asked.

"Um, can I go over yours if its ok? Since mine is further away." He asked scratching the back of his head.

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