Chapter Nine

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June 7th
12:30 pm

"What're you thinking about?"

"Today was our last day." Olivia shrugged. "It's just weird. Maybe not for you. but I've been in that school my whole life. It's feels like I'm leaving a part of me behind."

"You're moving on, and that's good." Marcel said.

"I guess."

"Are you sure you're okay?"

She sighed, "I'm just overwhelmed, tomorrow's graduation and I-. Oh, I don't know. After graduation it's like real life, you know?"


"Yeah, and I'm just afraid people are going to think of me as an adult, and I'm afraid to be one."

"Don't be afraid... just live."

Olivia ran the conversation her and Marcel had had just the night before. She zipped up her white graduation gown and put on her cap.

"You're moving on, and it's okay." She took a breath as she stared at her reflection. "Just live... just live."

She walked down the stairs and saw her parents at the door.

"You ready Olivia?" Michael asked.

"Yeah." She breathed out.

"Big day, big day. Let's hurry we need to get a seat." Rebecca said already walking out the door.

Olivia followed her parents to the car.
Harry sat on his porch with his gown hanging on the railing. His family wasn't there to help him out. His mom wasn't there to touch up his hair, his father wasn't there to fix his tie. He got up slowly and finished tying his tie. He threw the gown into the back of his car and made his way toward the school.
"Marcel you look so handsome." Olivia said as she embraced him in a hug. "Here let me fix this." She started to tug at his tie because it looked rather crooked.

"You look amazing." He smiled at her.

"Well thank you." She did a twirl. "Gotta end high school with a bang."

"Are you nervous?" He asked.

"A bit. Just want to get it over with I guess."

Olivia grabbed his hand and pulled him to the lines of the students. They were separated from the order.

Olivia stared at the empty seat next to her. It was meant for Caleb. She had placed his cap on the seat.

"Please welcome class of 2015 president, Olivia Hamilton."

That was her cue. She walked up to the podium and the applauding had died down. Only thing she could hear were her heels clicking on the gym floor.

"Good evening students, teachers, family and friends." She took a breathe. "Today. This moment right now we are making our own history. Our own memories. We did it. We made it through the years of schooling, homework, tests, football games, pep rally's, drama, dances etc. We are finally done. And i know this is scary for us all, I mean.. High school is over. We are going to start our lives now. And I don't know who's gonna become famous, or a doctor, or a garbage man for all I know. But I do know one thing, don't let anything stop you. If your dream is the craziest most impossible thing don't give up on it. Throughout these years we have learned things that we might never even use in life but we have learned this; if you don't try and don't believe, you will never achieve. I know we can do it. We have lost and gained some classmates on the way and I'm sure more will happen before our end but for the time we do have, use it and be proud of it. Don't worry about what's gonna happen tomorrow, just live."

Olivia, Marcel and Louis walked out of the stadium together. Of course they were stopped for goodbye pictures and hugs.

They got into Harry's car together and they all fell silent.

"This is it." Olivia took a breath.

"Don't be so down about it." Louis smiled and grabbed onto her hand. But Olivia could tell he was struggling.

"Wanna grab something to eat?" Marcel suggested.

They agreed.


"Are you excited for uni?" Olivia asked Louis.

Louise laughed, "No way. It's gonna be like starting school all over again."

"So are you serious on not going?" He asked.

Olivia nodded. "I need a break."

"You too huh?" Louis looked at Marcel.

"Yeah, don't really know what I'm doing with my life yet." Marcel shrugged, "I don't have too many interests."

"That's okay, you just need time." Olivia said. "I'm gonna go into psychology, and become like a therapist or counselor of some sort."

"Really? Sounds scary... Listening to people's problems and stuff." He said.

"I like to help people." She smiled.

"Or just like to get in their business." Louis laughed and nudged Olivia. She rolled her eyes.

"All I know is that I'm getting out of this town." Louis said.  Olivia nodded in agreement.

"Why do you both want to leave so bad?" Marcel asked.

Olivia shrugged, "it's too small. Everyone knows everything and anything about anyone. It sucks. One screw up and everyone knows."

Louis agreed, "attention is good and all but it gets a bit too much. I'd like love to go to a big city and have no one know who I am. A fresh start."

"That's what I want too but once I get settled down and meet someone whom I'll spend the rest of my life with, I'd like to get back into a neighborhood where my kids will have neighbors and friends, just not particularly this one." Olivia said.

"You guys are dreamers. You'll be lucky if life turns out the way you wish." Marcel said.

"Just live, right?" Olivia winked.

"Yeah," Marcel smiled at her. "Right."
Authors Note:

Well it's been like 1000000 years since I updated and I'm so sorry for that. But I don't really know what to say about it so here's a pretty crappy chapter.


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⏰ Última atualização: Dec 19, 2015 ⏰

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