Chapter Six

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May 28th


7:30 am

Olivia sat down in first period.

"Hey, Olivia. How are you?" A girl sitting next to her asked.

Olivia thought of her name and she finally remembered it, Hailey.

"I'm fine Hailey, how about you?"

"Oh I'm great. I can't believe you remembered me." She was excited.

"I've been sitting next to you all year, of course I know your name."

"Well, we're from two different crowds-"

"What does that have to do with anything?" Olivia interrupted her.

"I don't know, it's not like you're supposed to know who I am." She said.

Olivia rolled her eyes at the girl, she wasn't trying to be mean. Just what she said was stupid. That's what Olivia hated most about this school. It was a small school, not a ton of kids in it, but there was still separate groups. She hated it.

She hated how people were classified as something but could be completely different. She hated how she was the girl everyone knew but didn't expect her to know them. It made her look like a bad person.

Marcel rushed into the classroom just seconds before the last bell went off. He quickly sat in the seat in front of Olivia.

"Why're you so late? I waited by the rock but you never showed so I left." Olivia whispered to him as the teacher walked into class.

"I'll tell you later." He said.

Olivia stared at the back of his head and quietly laughed. Their was a tiny curl that forgot to slick back. She didn't know he had naturally curly hair.

Marcel took a deep breath and stared at the teacher. This morning he forgot to get ready and started walking to school as himself, not Marcel. He had to run all the way back home, but he drove to school today. He would've been late if he hadn't.

The teacher was talking about graduation, so Marcel didn't care to listen. Olivia was tapping her pencil on the desk.

David Fuller was in this class. He had to retake junior year because he was in jail. But he still has a class with Olivia and Marcel.

He gritted his teeth together as he watched Olivia staring at Marcel.

"Olivia." The teacher said, breaking everyone out of their train of thought.

"Yes?" Olivia said peeking her head up.

"Have you written any of your speech yet for graduation?" She asked. Suddenly everyone's attention turned to her.

"Yeah, I'm almost finished." Olivia lied. She hadn't even wrote that speech, and didn't plan on it. She would probably just wing it. She speaks better when she's not reading off of something anyway.

Marcel turned to her, "You haven't wrote anything, have you?" He laughed.

"Shh." Olivia laughed while shaking her head.

"You know, this is adorable." Olivia teased Marcel pulling his little curl.

He blushed, "I must've forgot it." He said trying to slick it down.

"I want to see you with your hair curly." She said resting her head on her hands.

"It's a mess." He said, "I don't like it." He lied.

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