Chapter Five

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May 26


2:57 pm


Olivia tapped her pencil and the desk and stared at the clock on the wall. School seemed to never end.

"Are you okay?" Marcel turned to her.

"I just want to get out of here." She said still staring at the clock.

"Away from him?" He asked.

"Just everyone." She said looking at him. He nodded.

Within five minutes the bell rang and everyone rushed out of class. Olivia walked with Marcel to his locker, since they were going to her house.

"So I heard you're speaking at the assembly on Tuesday?" He said opening his locker.

"Yeah, Mr. Jackson asked me too."

"I didn't know you were class president." He said.


After he got finished with his locker, they walked over to hers. Of course David was standing in front of it. She rolled her eyes.

"Excuse me." Olivia squeezed in between him and the locker.

"Olivia-" He backed away.

She ignored him.

"Who's this kid?" David laughed.

Marcel stood next to Olivia avoiding making eye contact with him.

"David, go away." Olivia shut her locker.

"You replaced me with him." He looked at her in shock.

"David!" She yelled and Marcel tried to hold in his laugh. The hallway suddenly got quiet and all attention turned to the two of them.

Olivia grabbed Marcel's hand and walked away from the crowd of kids. Olivia didn't talk until they reached the trail.

"Don't talk it personal Marcel. He's just jealous." Olivia said letting go of Marcel's hand.

"He didn't offend me." Marcel said to her.


They walked in silence.

"I'm sorry for walking out on you at lunch, just too much was going on." Olivia said kicking a rock.

"I understand."

"So are you and Louis friends now?" She asked.

"Yeah, I think so." He said.

"That's good."

Marcel nodded grabbed onto Olivia's hand again.

"What are you doing?" She laughed.

"I liked holding your hand." He smiled at her, and she laughed.

"We're friends right, Olivia?" He asked.

"Of course, why?"

"I just want you to know that I'm here for you. I know you're going through a rough time, and I don't think anyone has told you that they actually want to help you get better. You can talk to me whenever." He said.

"Thank you." She smiled.

"I feel like you came at a perfect time in my life. Like you and Louis are the only ones that can make me happy." She said.

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