Chapter Two

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May 5th


2:05 pm

Olivia thought there was something weird about that Marcel kid. It was like he was questioning everything he did.

She walked into her last hour and chose a seat in the back.

Marcel walked into the classroom and spotted her. He smiled and waved, she waved a little back.

He walked over and sat in the seat in front of her.

"Hey Olivia." He said.

"I told you to me Hami."

"But why?"

"That's just what I go by now."


"Yes," she breathed out. "Now." She looked back down at her book, but didn't read. She wondered if she was coming across rude to him.

The teacher walked into the classroom and started with attendance. Once he called Olivia's name, he was surprised that she was there.

Just like every other teacher did today.

Class started and they talked about their graduation next month.

The class was drama, they never do much in it.

"Well, I am having you guys do an end of the year project. It can be about anything we learned this year. You can either do it with a partner or by yourself. Your choice. And make sure you're with someone who's house you could go over." He said.

Marcel turned to Olivia.

"Can you be my partner um, Hami? I still don't really know much people." He said pushing up his glasses.

"Marcel, I think I want to work alone. I mean-"

"No it's alright. I understand." He said then turned back around.

"Olivia can I see you in the hallway?" Mr. Jackson said.

She got up from her desk and walked out to the hallway, he followed behind.

Mr. Jackson was probably her favorite teacher, but she really didn't want one of his pep talks.

"Olivia, I know this is a hard time for you. But I think you should partner up with someone. To get out of the house, get your mind of things." He said.

"Maybe I don't want to get my mind off things." She said putting her head down.

"That Marcel, he's a good kid. I think he could help you. Maybe making some new friends-"

"Mr. Jackson, I don't need help." She paused, "And it sounds like you're trying to make me replace my brother." She said.

"No, I'm not saying that. I'm saying that you and your brother had the same group of friends. And maybe still hanging out with them will remind you of his death." He said.

She nodded her head, "I guess."

"Also, the principle is having an assembly on suicide/bullying next week and he wants you to speak to the school." He said.

"Caleb, didn't commit suicide! He wouldn't just leave without an explanation Mr. Jackson! It was an accident!" She yelled, tears started to sting her eyes.

"Olivia you don't know that. Anyway, you're still a ro-model to every person in this school. They all look up to you, Ms. Class President. I think you should speak." He said.

"Stop saying that." She mumbled.

"Saying what?"

"Saying that people look up to me. I hate that. I hate having to be a good example. Everyone assumes, that because I'm President, I have to be happy and nice all the nice. And do things for others, and I'm sick of it. I hate being a ro-model." She yelled.

Her voiced echoed through the hall.

"Olivia." He hushed her. "It will be good for you."

"Whatever, fine. I'll do it." She said. She walked back into the classroom and everyone looked at her. She walked back to her seat in silence. Everyone started to talk once again.

"Marcel?" She tapped his shoulder.

"Yeah?" He turned around.

"Can you still be your partner?" She asked.

"Of course." He smiled.


Authors Note :

Ok, this was the last chapter that got deleted. Now I'm back on track. Yeah I know its really short but oh well. Picture of Caleb, which is Logan Leerman, on the side. Anyway thanks for reading (:


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