Chapter Seven

49 4 0


May 30th


1:15 am


Olivia was woken up by her phone buzzing. She groaned and rolled over. She picked her phone off her nightstand and answered it.

"Why the hell are you calling me at one in the morning?" She said annoyed. Her voice was rough, because she had just woken up.

"Let's go for a drive." A voice came from the other end. She looked down at the caller ID.


"Marcel, we have school. Go to bed."

"Come on, Olivia. I want to go have fun."


"I'm outside your house Olivia. You have no choice." He laughed.

She hung up and got out of bed to look out of her window. Marcel was sitting on the top of his car and waved up at her.

"Idiot." She mumbled to herself. She slipped a hoodie over her head and her favorite shoes. She opened up her window and slowly made her way down.

"You seem like a pro at this." Marcel laughed at she walked over to the car.

"It's not like I haven't done it before." She rolled her eyes.

She got in the passenger side of the car and Marcel got in the drivers seat.

"I thought you were a good kid, Marcel." Olivia said buckling her seatbelt.

"Why can't good kids have fun too?" He smiled.

"What about you? I thought you were a good girl? It seems like you sneak out a lot." He said as he began driving.

"From the wise words of the lovely Five Seconds of Summer, good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught." She laughed.

"Where are we going?" Olivia asked closing her eyes.

"Where ever we end up." He said.

"You're fucking nuts." She said.

"I just want an adventure." He smiled.

She stared at him as he drove.

"What?" He laughed, glancing over at her.

"I just like looking at you." She said softly.

He quickly turned red.

Olivia yawned again, and laid her head back.

"Wake me up, when we are wherever." She said, while closing her eyes.

About 20 minutes later Marcel pulled into the grass and parked the car.

"Olivia." He whispered, poking her cheek.

Olivia groaned, but opened her eyes slowly. She yawned.

"We're here." Marcel smiled.

"Where exactly is that?" She sat up and undid her seat belt and looked out the window.

They were parked in front of a huge hill.

"Come on." Marcel got out of the car and waited for Olivia.

"Why are we here?"

"Just come on." He grabbed Olivia's hand and began running up the hill.

Olivia ran with him, not that she wanted to, she just didn't want to be dragged.

When they reached the top of the hill they were both out of breath. Olivia kelt forward breathing quickly.

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